88.1. The Other Way Around - Part 1

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I somehow manage to cushion Erik's fall with telekinesis so he doesn't bump his head at least. My concussed brain spins because I stand up too quickly, but I don't care about that. I jump to my beloved and pull his unconscious body to my chest. My heart is pounding wildly and it takes me a few seconds to realise what just happened. Did Erik... faint?

"Love, let me help," Gotrid is trying to take Erik off me, but I don't let him.

"Call Noage!!!" Liana shouts at the guards.

I try to connect to Erik's mind, but it's shut down completely. He isn't sleeping, he's unconscious. I try again and again and, after that, I try kissing him, but he isn't waking up. I must have been panicking and not responding because what finally slaps me out of it is a combined effort of Vermiel and Miruel tearing me from Erik by force.

I scream, but I'm not able to use telekinesis against my subjects and I'm too unfocused for a telepathic push. My eyes water when I see Noage connecting to Erik's arm with his rooty tentacles and I calm down a bit only when Gotrid hugs me.

"Let the doctor do his job, love," Gotrid says softly. "Earthborn powers are much better suited for this."

Those few minutes when Noage is examining Erik feel like hours. I've never been so scared in my entire life, not even when facing my father for the first time or battling monsters. What if it's not just fatigue? What if there's something seriously wrong with Erik?

"The Royal Consort is just exhausted and overworked," Noage finally says his verdict. "I've checked everything, Your Majesty, he's going to be okay after he rests properly."

I sigh in relief, but my heart is still pounding wildly. How come I didn't anticipate it? Was I so focused on the meeting that I didn't notice Erik started feeling dizzy? Isn't Erik my absolute priority? Seriously, I just might be the worst telepathic partner ever.

"Don't blame yourself, hon," Gotrid forbids me, takes me into his arms and stands up.

Vermiel takes Erik even though I want to be the one to carry my beloved. Instead, I'm being carried myself. I hate to be weakened like that, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. When we finally reach our suite and we're both put on the bed, I can finally touch Erik again.

"Why isn't he waking up, Noage?" I don't understand and my eyes water. The shock is gone, but I'm still in panic mode.

"He will wake up naturally when his body rests a bit, Your Majesty," Noage assures me. "Please, be patient, the Royal Consort isn't in any danger."

I lie down and hug my beloved tightly. I can't help blaming myself. I should have insisted on him resting. I should have paid more attention.

"Love, that's not helping," Gotrid shakes his head because he can read my thoughts. He lies down behind Erik's back and uses his right wing as a blanket to cover us both.

"Li, take a break for the rest of the day," I order my Viceroy who's nervously stepping by the bed, not knowing what to do for a change. "Tomorrow, I need you to take care of the Celestial Council and all meetings for me and you have to be well-rested."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Liana bows, gives Erik a worried look and leaves.

"Tell the cooks to prepare a European-style breakfast for tomorrow," I order Ayala. "Everything that Erik likes."

"Of course, Your Majesty," the maid nods. "Should we prepare some wellness procedures for tomorrow as well?"

"That would be nice," I appreciate.

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