90.2. Finally Face to Face - Part 2

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I want to keep the armour on, but Liana worries that it might look aggressive so I decide to change my clothes and put on my most expensive royal attire. The maids are so nervous that Cien messes up the binding which has never happened before.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," the poor maid is on the verge of a panic attack. "L-let me redo it..."

"Cien," I stop her for a while and take her shaking hands. "I promise to protect you all should anything go wrong."

"It's us who should protect you, my Emperor," Cien insists, "but the Divementis..."

"We're not any worse than them," I assure her. "We just need to find a way to defend ourselves against their telepathy."

"Is that even possible?" Erik ponders and lets Ayala adjust his necktie so that his visage is perfect for the historic meeting.

"I don't know yet, but I'm willing to put everything into researching that possibility," I promise.

"Are you ready?" Liana returns, changed already, and raises her eyebrows because I'm still holding Cien's hands and my robe is loose.

"Almost," Cien quickly resumes work. Seriously, is she more afraid of Liana than me?

Erik and Gotrid are done much faster than me so Dalia and Ayala help Cien with dressing me up. We must impress the Divementis so I can't afford to look shabby next to my father. Just this once, I don't complain that the upper robe my maids decided to go for has a long train and that the hairpin looks like a small crown.

"Okay, we're ready," Cien finally announces.

"Luviael just sent me a message that the meeting room is also ready," Liana nods.

I give myself one last check when I'm passing the mirror. I want to look as Celestial as possible to proudly represent my race, but I can't do anything about my Divementis features. I do have a pair of huge wings and golden eyes, but my face is hopelessly Divementis. Ever since I've seen my father's real body, I can't unsee it now. I hope my subjects will take it well when they see the Divementis.

I take Erik's and Gotrid's hands and I step outside. The inner courtyard is the largest open space the mansion has available so I guess the Divementis will literally land in our garden.

"Everyone, to the sides!" I order. "Retreat to patios or patrol above the roof, but don't get close to the middle."

They retreat immediately as nobody wants to be hit by an invisible spaceship.

"Liana, Luviael, Gavreel, Vermiel, Soren, Miruel a Sareash," I address seven of my subjects specifically, going after the best casters. "No matter how stupid it might look, I want you to be touching my wings all the time. Just a finger on my feathers should be enough. This way I can provide you with the same mental protection I have. Should the Divementis try anything funny, don't hold back."

They gulp, but their resolve is overflowing. I spread my wings so that they don't have to squeeze and there's no need to mention Erik and Gotrid because that goes without saying—I'm never letting go of their hands. Then I take a deep breath and send my father a simple message:

We're ready, I'm opening the shield.

I don't think that I'm doing anything miraculous when I send my mana to the crystals strategically positioned around the mansion and deactivate them temporarily so it surprises me when Gavreel gasps for breath.

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