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Just finishing the meeting with the stakeholders, Tee is tired. She sits in her chair with lots of work in front of her by looking at the folders in front of her. She has to run over the files since she needs to know everything about the company.

Aside from her own company, she needs to run their other family business. Since her brother must attend to their businesses abroad. Though it’s hard for her to do many things like this, she has no choice but to accept the fact that she is now in charge.

3 years ago, she was just a happy go lucky girl who wanted to hang out, go to her office as she wanted. Spend time with friends, but a loving brother and daughter to her family.
And her situation now needs more time to focus on work because she knows more people are rooting for her. She needs to run the company properly so that their employees will stay with them and don’t need to lay off.

While resting, she closed her eyes to relax for a minute. She leans back to her chair and twists it back to her table facing the window at her office.

She finally felt relaxed and calm. Making deep breaths and sighs.
Time passes and she notices it’s already been an hour since she feels relaxed.
When her secretary knocks and enters the office.

“Boss, someone is looking for you”. And she calls in. “Please, come in”. And the secretary went back to her post.

“Hi Tee! Remember me?” and the visitor gets in the office.

Tee was shocked and wasn't able to speak for a second.

“What are you doing here?” “Didn’t I tell you not to get close to me anymore?” Tee is about to burst in anger.
“Just leave now, we don’t have anything to talk about!” Tee is about to call her secretary to get this person outside when she suddenly feels a warm touch for the person in front of her.

“Didn’t you miss me? It’s been 4 years, and I still don’t forget how you kissed me and made love to me.” The person is seducing Tee. “I missed you Tee.”

“Stop! That was 4 years ago! And I don’t miss you! Get out of my office and get out of my life! Get lost!” Tee shouted and finally she called her secretary.
She’s about to turn her back when the person grabbed her and hugged her from behind. The door finally opened and Tee told her secretary to accompany the visitor her way out but before he finished talking someone came out after her secretary.


Yes it’s Yuki, and she saw her love being hugged by this girl with a perfect body, taller than her. She looks classy and as the way she stuns, it looks like she is a celebrity. Yuki feels numb at the moment she sees them. She wanted to move but she couldn't.
All she did was stare at them as if she was watching a romantic movie where she is the star. She didn’t say anything.

Tee suddenly pushes the girl and lets the secretary join her to get outside. But the girl really is so clingy that she manages to say goodbye to Tee with a flying kiss and says “see you around” then finally leaves the room.

Yuki who is standing in the door is shocked, Tee grabs her hand to get inside.

“Love, that was nothing. What you saw just has no meaning.” Tee explained to Yuki holding her hands.

“I just wanted to surprise you, but it looks like I am the one who was surprised.” She removed her hands to Tee.

“Here, I brought you your favourite vanilla ice cream and a slice of crossini toast.” Yuki put it on the table and was about to leave when Tee grabbed her and hugged her back.
“You have to eat it before it melts”.

“Hear me explain please, Love.” Tee begging while hugging Yuki.

Yuki is still holding her tears. She is hurt but she needs to listen for her to understand Tee. She sobs and turns face to Tee without saying anything and walks towards the sofa. She waited for Tee to speak while looking at her.

“Love, that girl you saw just existed in my past, before I met you. So please, don’t get affected by her. I have you now and you alone.” Tee explained to Yuki kneeled down while looking at her face and holding her hands.

Well, Yuki seemed convinced because she knew Tee’s lifestyle back then before she met her. She then smiles a bit, a sign that she’s okay. Tee gets it so she gives Yuki a kiss on her lips as she stands and hugs her.

“Let’s eat the vanilla ice cream before it melts”. Yuki then stood up and began to enjoy the ice cream.


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