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After the meeting, Tee called Yuki to tell her to pick her. But Yuki didn't answer, which makes her worried. She texted her but no reply. She called her many times but still no response. So she decided to just pick her up at her work because it only took 45 minutes away from the meeting place.

Tee arrived at Yuki’s workplace, she took the elevator to Yuki’s office on the 32nd floor of the building. When she arrived, she saw Yuki talking to her boss. She looked terrified and worried, as if she was arguing with her boss. Tee waited for Yuki to come out of the office. As soon as she finished talking to her boss, Tee hurriedly went into her. Yuki was shocked and she already knew Tee saw everything. But Tee acts normally.

“Hi Love, are you done with your work?” Tee greeted me.

“Yah, Let's go home, I’ll just go get my things.” Yuki just replied.

While in the car, no one speaks. the song played in the car stereo. They were silent when Tee spoke.

“Love, let's have dinner first, where do you want to eat?” Tee asks her.

Yuki seemed not to hear Tee, she was looking at the car window thinking so deeply. So Tee decided not to ask again. when something caught her attention.

It was the restaurant they went to weeks ago. She pulled up the brake and the car stopped. Yuki then went back to her senses.

“What are we doing here, Love?” She asked Tee.

“I ask you earlier to have dinner first before we go home. Let’s get inside.” Tee insisted

They already got inside when a waiter approached them.

“Table for 2 please.” Tee said

“This way ma’am, follow me please.” the waiter replied. “Here's the menu ma’am.”

In less than 10 minutes, their order arrived. They are eating quietly. When Tee seems not comfortable with it. Looking at Yuki, she knows something is bothering her.

“Love, are you okay? Something wrong? You're quiet since we're off from your work.” Tee asking in worried.

“I'm just tired Love. Can we finish our food so we can go home now?” Yuki calmly answered.

Tee agreed to Yuki and they were heading home.

“I’ll drop you home, Love but please tell me what happened? What's bothering you?”

“I don’t wanna go home.” Yuki answered in a simple tone.

“Okay, I’ll take you to my place instead.” and the silence invaded again.

In a couple of minutes, they reach the house of Tee, they go straight to the room. Tee called the maid and order to bring some water for Yuki.

In the room, Yuki lies down straight to bed. She was facing the side and kept quiet. Tee sits beside the bed while caressing her head.

“Love, you can talk to me now. What is the problem?” and she hugged Yuki in the back.

When suddenly, tears in her eyes slowly dropped. Hearing some hiccups from stopping the emotion to explode.

“I lost my job, and my boss fired me. I don't accept it. He fired me accusing me of the things I've never done. How can I support my family now? They are rooting for me.  How will I tell them I'm jobless now?” Yuki then stops talking and continues crying.

“Love, is that your problem? You should have told me earlier. I am here, and I can help you with that”. Tee smiled. “You don't need to work anyway, you can stay home. I'll support you and your family.”

Yuki is now annoyed with Tee. She looked at her with sharp eyes like a sword ready to shoot.

“Fine! You can work with me. Ever since I told you to come work with me, but you refused many times.” with a big smile.

“But I told you, I'm afraid that they’ll belittle me. I don't want them to think that I'm in your company because you're my lover.” and now Yuki stands beside Tee. “Especially now that you take over the company.” with hesitant answers.

“You work there as my employee not my boss, what are you afraid of?” and she hugged Yuki again with a naughty smirk as if she wanted something. “So do we agree now? You can start tomorrow.”

“Wait, Can I think about it? And in what department am I going to work?” Yuki replied

“What department are you talking about? I said you will work with me, it literally means with me.” and she kissed Yuki's lips gently.

“What exactly is that job?” Yuki asks, this time she's the naughty one with a smirk.

“We’ll talk about it later, for the meantime can we have a shower first? together?” and she sniffed Yuki's neck and slowly kissed it.

“I know you're jobless now but tonight, I’ll do my job but not less.” she continued and she wrapped Yuki’s waist in her arms signaling that she is about to lift her up and go to the bathroom.


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