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“DON’T TOUCH IT!” “My memories with you are nothing compared to the value of my memories with that.” Outburst Sam.

“PP!!!!!” Everybody shouted as they saw Sam walking from the stair.

After having some serious conversation when the doctor left, we decided to go downstairs with the gang.
They didn't leave yet because they wanted to see Sam first.

“Don’t you dare touch anything in my living room, this is the reason why I don’t like you guys to come here. You might ruin everything.” She said as we ended up in the living room.

“Welcome back PP!” Jim and Kade shouted and get into the side of Khun Sam for the side hug.

“Excuse me, please be careful, Sam is still weak.” I guided her to sit on the couch.

Everybody is excited to see Sam but while they are talking and asking, she only gives them that straight look as always. While they were busy, I removed my hand from holding hers to go to the kitchen.

“I’ll just go get something for you to drink.”

She only nodded at me and looked into my eyes as if saying please come back. So I gave her assurance by kissing her head and whispering something.

“I’ll be quick, I promise.”

I prepared a fresh orange juice for her. Since she needs to eat and take healthy food, I planned to make her food on my own. In just a couple of minutes, I finish her fresh juice I get back to the living room.

“Since everyone is here, I think we should have our lunch. I’ll order food for us.” I said as I approached Sam.

“Here, drink this.” and gives her a glass of orange juice.

“Wow! You’re lucky, fuzzy.” Jim brags as they are looking at me giving Sam her drinks.

“Okay, everyone!” Tee claps her hands to interrupt “let’s order the food for that.”

After an hour of waiting, the food arrives and as expected, on time.
We eat our lunch and I can say, I’m happy to see Sam smiling. Despite what has happened earlier, I know she is sad inside but manages to smile for a while.

It’s past 5 PM when they decided to go home. We enjoyed the day knowing that everyone is going to be busy again and we don’t know, when this day will going to happen again.

When everyone is left, Khun Sam and I are alone in the living room sitting on the couch.
I opened a conversation about her condition. She was hesitant at first but because I was so persuasive, she gave in.

“I went to your house everyday for more than a month, but no one was there. I waited for you for how many months, but you never came back.
After 6 months, I thought I saw you in front of the mansion. I was driving home because I stayed there to accompany grandma.
I saw a taxi parked in front of the gate, but I never paid much attention because my mind was blown away by your thoughts, always.
When I'm about to reach the gate, a girl spat out. She was crying, I know because she was covering and wiping her face. She was so fast that only her silhouet is what I saw.
I called your name when I saw that girl, my heart is telling me it was you but I am not sure.
I decided to follow the taxi to make sure it was you. I tag along, I chase the taxi but it was too fast and a lot of cars passed by. I could see the girl inside the taxi but I didn’t saw her face because it was cover by her hands.
Until we reached the crossing and the taxi turned right and I didn’t notice the red light. My car collided with another car. As the doctor said, I’m lucky enough it was not serious.”

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