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“Love, the Secretary of ACL company just called, asking about the proposal, have you decided about it?” while Tee is fixing her ties in front of the mirror.

“Are you going to handle that project personally?” and Yuki comes out from the bathroom.

“Nah.. you will handle it.” Tee said and walked to Yuki and gave her a back hug. “I know you can handle it. I believe in you.” then kiss her check while her hands enjoying some moments exploring from Yuki’s upper front down and inserted inside the robe. Although Yuki tries to control her emotion, she can't resist but to moan small sounds.

“C’mon Love, we're gonna be late.” she cuts.

“Can we have another round?” Tee begging

“No.” Yuki replied.

“Love, what if you moved in with me. Let's live together.” Tee suddenly asks. “Let's talk to your parents. I want to be with you everyday. You barely stay with me because you only come here during weekends or 10 days in a month. Why don’t we live together?” she continues.

“...” Yuki

“Why, something is wrong?”

“Nothing. I don't know if my parents will agree with it.” Yuki answered and continued fixing herself in front of the mirror.

“Let's try, we’ll drop by later in your house after office.” and carried her suitcase and headed to the living room. “I’ll go first and check if the breakfast is ready.

After breakfast, they headed to the office. Upon arrival, the secretary was waiting for them and she handed Tee the folders for her. She also gave them some briefing about their schedules and whereabouts. Tee puts the folders in the table and searches the files for ACL Company.

“Love, this is the files for ACL, you can study it and give your signal if you're ready so we can contact them.”

Tee is talking while handling the folder to Yuki who is scanning some folders and files too.

“Okay, copy that.” Yuki agreed.

While doing some of their office work, the secretary entered the room.

“Boss, the delivery man just called, said they will be here in 30 minutes.”

Yuki stops what she's doing and sets aside some of the files she was reading.

“Okay, tell the maintenance department to help them when they arrive.” Tee stands up and walks to Yuki who is busy on the files. “Oh wait, order us something for lunch. Thank you.” and gives a head kiss to Yuki while the secretary nods and leaves the room.

After 30 minutes, the delivery arrives. They take it down and the maintenance department manages to put it in the room. After 2 hours, the delivery is done. Tee is excited to tell Yuki about it.

“Love, I have something to show you. Come.” She then grabbed Yuki’s hand and walked towards the wall which happened to be a door.

Yuki doesn't have time to talk, wondering where they are going.

Tee opens the door and a beautiful room just unfolded in front of their eyes.

“Welcome to your office, Love.” while Tee stretching her arms.

“Love, this is so beautiful. Thank you!” Yuki then gives Tee a sweet hug.

“Yes, and the furniture is your personal choice, isn't it?” Tee gives back the hug.

“But why do I need an office, yours is big enough space though.” and gives a sulking face “or you don't want me near you?” Yuki just murmured.

“You need this love, you need your own space so you can work well. It will give you privacy and focus, so you can't be distracted by my presence.” and Tee gives a naughty smirk. “And besides, your office is adjacent to mine. You can come to me if you need anything or help.”

They cuddle in a few minutes.
Yuki tries her chair and puts her hand on the table while smiling at Tee. She looks at Tee passionately with teary eyes. Her eyes show appreciation and gratefulness that mouth can't speak. The moments were so blissful and melodramatic that even Tee could not contain her happiness to see her Love happy.

Before the drama went too far, Tee hugged Yuki from the back while in the chair.

“I will give you everything and anything just to make you happy.” Tee’s drama is one of a kind.

And the moment comes when Yuki can't deny the fact that she’s in a drama now. Her tears fell and sobs as Tee hugged her. She holds Tee’s arms from the hug, tilts her head and gives her a kiss on the lips. Tee answers the kiss and gives an assurance of love within.

The office scene is done and time to go home. As planned, they go straight to Yuki’s house to talk about her moving to Tee’s place. It was an hour and half drive to reach their destination. Before going there, Yuki informed her mother ahead of time and it's already dinner when they arrived.

While eating, Tee discussed the things about their plans. Good thing, Yuki’s parents agreed about it but asked for one condition. Yuki has to visit them during the weekend and they all both agreed about it. After eating, Yuki excused herself to fix some of her stuff to bring with her while Tee left with her parents.

Everyone is talking, exchanging stories and catching up when Tee speaks and trying to get their attention.

“Excuse me ma’am and sir, since Yuki is busy with her stuff, I want to seize the opportunity to ask something.'' She pauses and assesses the atmosphere. Both are now quiet and look at her, after a few seconds she continues to speak. 

“I want to ask your permission to marry your daughter.”


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