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“Love, what do you think about the ACL proposal? Do we need to go on business with them?” aske Tee while looking at the mirror after taking a bath.

“The project proposal was mine, I made that about 3 months ago. But I didn't know that it would be used for presentations in your company.” Yuki explained while fixing the things for Tee.

They are leaving for the meeting this morning for another collaboration with the partner company.

“I see, do we have to go do a collaboration with them? Are you comfortable with it? You can tell me.” Tee continued as she hugged Yuki from the back.

Yuki didn't respond immediately. She is thinking about what happened to the company a few days ago. She remembered that she was fired because she was accused  of stealing an idea which the truth is, the idea was really hers. But since Tee trust her and she is already in this situation, maybe she can think professionally and address the situation professionally.

“Can I think about it first?  I have to study about proposals again. I'll let you know ASAP.” Yuki then hugged back Tee, signs that she is making it to accept the facts about the company.

When they’re ready, they went straight to where the car was and decided to have breakfast at the meeting, since it was scheduled in a nearby restaurant. They planned to go out earlier in time so they can have meals before the meeting. They reached the place and ordered food as they were attended by a waiter as soon as they settled.

While having meals, Tee speaks and Yuki seems to agreed.

“Love, it's Friday today. Let's invite the gang? Let's have dinner, since it's been a month since we have not seen them. Remember the wine bar? I’ll book them if you want.” Tee continues and begins to manipulate her phone.

“That sounds good. Why not?” agreed by Yuki.

They still have spare time after the meal before the meeting. While waiting for their guest, They reviewed the files and it looks like the idea is good. And besides, one of their interests is quite caught in the project. While they were discussing, the person they’re waiting for popped up at the door. They greeted him with excitement. They ordered coffee to begin with.

The meeting spontaneously went right. Both parties agreed with the proposal and dealt with the contract straight without revision. The project will push through within a month after the approval by the finance authority. After 2 hrs of meeting the person said goodbyes to them and left the restaurant. They stayed a little bit since they are not in a hurry, and their schedule today is not that tight. They were discussing something when Tee remembered something. It's the office she sets for Yuki.

“Love, let’s go, we need to check something.” Tee stands up and grabs Yuki’s hand.

They drove to the nearest furniture shop. While they are roaming, Tee asks Yuki about what if she has to buy things, what should she choose. She made sure that all the items were chosen by Yuki. Though Yuki is wondering, she chooses the things according to her taste. But for her awareness, she asks Tee about it.

“Love, are you going to change your office theme?”

But Tee ignored her question and pretended to check on something. Yuki did not repeat the question and went on with the side table with the lamp she was checking. She stared at it a little bit more as if she liked it. When Tee notices it, she signals the person assisting them. When they were finished, Tee was talking to the person who assists them and tell to deliver the items on date she signs.

They’re heading to the office now, Tee didn't speak about the furniture so Yuki still hangs on this idea. When they arrived at the office, she ordered her secretary to hand her the files about the merging company. The secretary then hurriedly handed it over to Tee and left the room.

“Love, Would you mind studying this proposal, I’ll let you handle it.” and she gave the folder to Yuki.

Yuki received the folder with the label … (T&T CORP./DIVERSITY/S&K.COM) FILES… and she was shocked, it was the merging of the 3 companies. Which she remembers, the day about the meeting she is about to tell Tee who is the owner of the other company.

“Love, have you and Sam already met the owner of S&K.COM?”

“No, they send representatives to deal with the merge.” Tee explained. “But we’ve dealt with it already so the project will push on. The contract will be sent for signing next week.” She continued.

Yuki is about to say something about it when the secretary phone line rings. Tee answers it and it seems she has an emergency meeting. After a while, she hangs up the phone and speaks.

“Love, I have to meet the finance head now. Would you mind if I leave you here, while you study that proposal?”

“It's okay, go ahead. Yuki agreed while Tee was approaching the door.

Yuki begins to read the proposal, she studies it through and through. And it looks like the project is going to be great. While reading it, she can't believe that everything is going well for S&K.COM. She's really great in everything she does and makes sure she succeeds. Yuki didn't pay attention to the time that much. She didn't notice Tee had already comes back.

“Love, what do you think? I’ll let you handle the project since you are working in the digital marketing dept. I’ll inform our partners about you handling the project in our next meeting.” Tee explaining to Yuki.

Yuki is still hesitant about it, since she knows this is gonna be a big project. Well the fact that, even if she refuses it, Tee will still insist on it. The best way to reduce butterflies inside her is to think, Tee is there to guide her and help her no matter what. So she just nods and smiles back to her lover.

“I know, you're hesitant about it. But let me remind you, I have faith in you. I trust you and you can do it. I’m always here to help you, okay?” and Tee cupped Yuki’s face and giggled at it with a sweet smile.

Yuki cupped Tee's face too and smacked her with a tender kiss.

“Thank you, love, for everything.” and she hugged her tight.

While cuddling, the secretary knocks to give them their food for lunch that Tee asked to order before going to the conference room.
They had their lunch real quick, because they had to meet the company lawyer for the formal transfer of shares to Yuki.

As for Yuki, her mind is still stuck on the owner of S&K.COM. Hoping that one day, she was able to meet the owner. But for now, she has to focus on the business proposal and work for it.


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