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The meeting and contract signing for the merging of the 3 companies was scheduled a day before my flight before going abroad. Yuki and I will attend to it, I will let her handle the project.

“Hello Sam, did you receive the location for the meeting?”

“Yah, I'm on my way there.” from the other line.

“Ok, see you there”

We arrived at the restaurant where our favorite wine bar was located. Yuki and I got out of the car when Sam just arrived from the opposite direction. We greeted each other with smiles and headed inside the restaurant.

Upon entering, Secretary Kim greeted us and led us to the wine bar.

“Your boss has good taste, we used to come here to chill.” Yuki speaks as they’re heading inside the room.

“Is your boss able to attend now?”

“Yes miss Tee, She’s on the way now.” Secretary Kim answered and sat down from her chair.

The waiter served us a glass of water and wine.
Since we are a little bit early, we were chatting while waiting for Secretary Kim’s Boss.
I am looking at Sam, she is so relaxed and I can see small smiles on her face. But when she saw me looking at her, she changed her mood. I smiled and gave her a mysterious look to tease her.

“Where is your boss, Miss Kim?” Sam asks with a high tone that makes secretary Kim startled.

Secretary Kim is about to speak when her phone rings.

“Hello, Miss K.?” Secretary Kim answered her phone and her boss was on the other line.

“Miss Kim, you may proceed with the contract signing. Make sure to discuss the changes first. I'm stuck in the middle of traffic, there is an accident on the road.” told her from the other line.

“Yes boss” and hung up the phone and looked at them. “I'm afraid my Boss couldn't make it, she's in the traffic right now because of the road accident.” She explains.

“It's okay, so, can we proceed now?” Sam speaks irritatedly.

“Yes ma’am, here is the contract” and Secretary Kim gave us the papers.

“The changes are stated on the second page for your reference. Also, the procedures of purchasing the materials will be handled by our company. Miss K, also wants to make sure that product to be disposed of will be monitored according to the proper quality control.” She continues.

“Feel free to go over the contract. The last page is for the signature. Please sign above your company name.” Secretary Kim ends her talking.

After reading the contract, I signed it as well as Sam.
And since it's my flight tomorrow, Yuki and I decided to have dinner and enjoy the rest of the day. We bid goodbye to Sam and Miss Kim.

“Sam, we'll go ahead.”

“Bye Sam” it's Yuki

“Ok, I'll stay a little more, have a safe trip tomorrow Tee.” Sam answered.

Secretary Kim also leaves the room.


She grabs the glass of wine that was served earlier, she walks straight to her favorite spot in the place. Though it's still late at noon, she can't see the stars that she usually watches. She's staring at the sky. It was so calm and peaceful. Since the night that she enters the wine bar, she always feels at home.

“It's always nice to smell fresh air.” And she felt sadness again. She's now talking to herself. Everyday she keeps on asking why she was left alone.

While staring at the sky and talking to herself, Sam didn't notice someone entering the bar.

The person who enters the room goes straight to the counter to get a glass of drinks, and doesn't notice that someone is still there.

When it is about to walk to reach the chair...

... "I thought the meeting was over, why is there someone on the balcony?"

The person was walking to the balcony and saw a silhouette of a girl standing, holding a glass of wine with her right hand while the other hand was cross front to her.

..."She looks sad and the atmosphere around her is so calm. I cant see her clearly because of the clear curtain between the door and the balcony, she looks familiar"...

The person continues walking and when it reaches the curtain to make clear vision and about to speak but suddenly stops.

Sam is talking and sobbing...

"Where are you? Why do you have to leave me? For almost 3 years, I've been questioning myself, where did I go wrong? Is my love for you not enough to make you stay?"

And tears flowing...

"Please come back, I'm dying everyday waiting for you. How long will I have to suffer waiting for you?"

Sniff... crying...

"I missed you, Mon".

The person behind Sam is shocked. The tears were falling and it didn't manage to control sobbing.

... "why can't I move my feet? I want to leave here but something is stopping me. I removed my hands from the curtain, I'm about to turn around but it's too late"...

It's when Sam notices that someone is behind her, she turns to her back and the time stops....


Authors’ corner:

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