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I started to unbutton her upper clothes. She is wearing a silk black long sleeve collar paired with a black trouser that looked so simple but elegant with a white blazer she wore earlier.

My hands are trembling as I'm removing her buttons one by one. I can't stop looking at her face down to her body. All I can see now is a piece of brassiere that covers her breast. I can feel the warmth of her body as I touch her belly to unwrap her lower body.

I can't help my tears but to fall. Thinking that I used to uncover her and together we share the love we have. I slowly removed her pants, good thing it was not fitted, it can easily be removed. I see her inner thigh, I sniff a little and sigh. I realized I missed the moment we were exploring things together.

When I finally removed her pants, I saw the bandage in her knees, and that moment I cried out. I Know how painful it is to endure it.

I wipe my tears and begin to clean her. I gently rubbed the wet towel on her body and put on the oversize shirt and pajamas that I told Miss Kim to bring. Sam didn't want to wear hospital gowns. After putting the clothes on, I cover her half body with a blanket.

While waiting for my dinner, I decided to clean myself and change my clothes too so I headed to the bathroom.

But I was shocked! The room is not ordinary.

No wonder why the doctor told me she’s here two to three times a month or maybe even more. The bathroom is filled with Sam’s things. From her clothes to her toiletries. I think this room is intended for her or she already bought it.

I’ve finished cleaning myself and as I get out of the bathroom the nurse knocks and enters the room.

“Excuse me ma’am, your food is here.” and she puts it on the table.

I just nod and walk to eat so I can eat and take a rest.

I'm eating while looking at Sam again. I don't know why I always have butterflies in my stomach everytime I look at her. I feel so guilty about her. I didn't expect this to happen. She's killing herself.

I finished my dinner and I decided to sleep. I looked at the couch and thought about sleeping there. But as I looked at the bed where Sam is lying, it was big enough for two. So I decided to sleep beside her and smiled. The doctor said she will be asleep for 2 days, so she didn't mind if I gave her a hug.

I push the nurse section button. After a few seconds the nurse enters the room.

“Is there anything you're going to do with Sam later? Like giving her medicine or checking her temperature?” I asked.

“No ma’am, the doctor gave everything already and only her doctor is allowed to give her medicine. She will be monitored tomorrow morning.” the nurse explained.

“Okay, thank you nurse” and she led her to the door and locked it.

And I found myself being naughty this time. I walked to the bed and lied beside Sam facing her.
I am smiling looking at her perfect face. I missed her eyebrows and those beautiful eyelashes. I can't help but to touch her face. I cupped her cheeks and gave her small pinches.

“I’m dying everyday missing your soft face.”

I am slowly bowing my head sniffing her neck. Her scent never changes. Her smell drives me to bend more and intensely sniff until the tip of my nose touches her neck. I didn't remove my hand from her face, feeling every part of it. I was stunned for a second when I felt my thumb in her lips. I slowly lift my face enough to see her lips under my finger. My thumb is working itself as it's giving her lips a soft massage. I can feel her softness. The lips I used to suck and bite, I'm feeling it right now.

“I wanna taste your lips again. I missed your bite on my lips”

This feeling is driving me crazy. I don't know when you wake up and see me, would you rather drive me away or love me again? Another teardrops in my cheeks. I was awakened when I remembered the time I left her. Enough for illusions. She's asleep, she can't hear you.

I grabbed the blanket and inserted myself to sleep. I hugged her and put my one leg in between her legs.

“For now, I have to treasure the moment she's beside me.”

And to complete the night and have a good sleep, I kissed her lips and whispered “good night darling” and closed my eyes.


Authors’ corner:

Thank you guys for reading... Godbless everyone!

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