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These are the words repeatedly echoing inside my head. We just arrived home from the hospital to run some tests for Sam.


"Khun Sam has only 1 year to live, lucky enough to reach it. Based on the symptoms that she experienced this past few months, her heart is becoming weak." The doctor explained further.

"Since her last passed out, I studied her lab test and even sent it to the experts abroad to have it examined as soon as possible. Yesterday after attending her at your house, going back to the hospital, I received the call, telling the result for the lab."

We were listening hand in hand but my mind is not absorbing much because I feel trembling on Sam's hand.
I could feel her tension and fear.

I wanted to hear what she wanted to say but her voice was so cracked that she didn't manage to speak up.
I was looking straight to the doctor's eyes waiting and pleading for a positive alternative but my eyes sabotaged me as it flew heavy tears on my cheeks.
I changed my sight from the doctor to Sam as she also pleaded to say something that can give us hope.

There was silence in the office within a second when the doctor spoke again.

"One of the experts who examined and read about the Khun Sam case suggested that her treatment take place abroad."

Upon hearing, Sam lifted her head and this time she managed to speak her voice.

"Let's do it.!" She strongly agreed without second thought.

I just agreed too knowing that we will do it for Sam.

I felt Sam's hand loosen from mine and she manages to get herself tidy and sit properly then talk as if she didnt pour that much tears.

"What's the catch?" She asked and the doctor did the same, gathered himself and talked.

"Well, the treatment may never go 100% successful, 40/60 to be numbered or less.

Worst, you could die on the table during the operations or during treatments. But, you can at least try rather than waiting for the clock to stop."


"Here, drink some water my love."

Sam is sitting at the sofa looking at me blankly. I don't know what she is thinking or how she is going to address the situation but I know she has fear in her heart.

As I leaned her glass of water to drink, she grabbed my hands and led me to her side to join her. She slowly drinks some water and puts the glass from the center table.

She was gently caressing my hands without saying any words. Her caresses shifted from my hands to my face upward to down as if she was still looking for the words to say.


Finally, a sweet word came out from her mouth. But I didn't respond but I am looking at her eyes waiting for her to spill more words.

"Can you wait for me until I get well?"

And tears fall down one by one on her cheeks non-stop.

I cupped her face and wiped her tears so she can clearly see me when I speak.


I responded by looking straight into her eyes. She stopped and slightly flinched as she heard my answer.


She whispered and she bowed down her head looking at her hands trembling.

"Yes, No. Because we will be going together. I am going with you. I will not wait until you get well because I will be with you until you get well. Okay?"

I smiled as I’m saying these words to her and she was delighted as she lifted her head looking into my eyes.

"I promised, I will get well. I will go on with the treatment."

She excitedly hugged me and I felt her warm body gesture.

"Baby, no matter what may be the outcome, always remember I'm always here. I won't leave you anymore. We will fight together, we were in this together.” I said in a calm tone hoping that her spirit can't be discouraged.

"But wait, We need to settle the company first so we can go on with your treatment journey as soon  as possible. How did that sound?"

I broke the hug and got ourselves into track.

"Yeah sure, I will call my secretary to set a meeting first thing tomorrow." She said and grabbed her phone.


And I stood up from the sofa to grab my phone in my pouch to call Miss Kim. I need to settle some matters too. Good thing, it's in England where the doctor said we were going for Sam's treatment.

I was done talking to Miss Kim and about to drop my phone when Sam hugged me from the back.

"Let's go out for dinner?"

She asked but I was stunned for a while if we should go out or just stay home and have some home cooked meals.

"Hmmm... Sam, why not home cooked instead? Remember, it's bad for your health to consume too much energy. You need to rest."

I explained but being stubborn is just an option.

"I know, but I think a dinner date will not consume all my energy for the rest of my life." and as been said with that pleading eyes which melts my heart not to give in.

"Fine! But for the record, no wine this time and we have to set the curfew from now on, always be home at 8pm."

I commanded as I stood up getting ready for the said date when I also remembered something.

"And Oh! Babe?"

As I pointed my index finger up upon facing her that startled her a bit.

"I'll drive!"

She immediately nodded in response.

"Not only for today but everyday."

She widened her eyes as a response.

"Yes! I'll drive you to the office everyday, everywhere and anywhere!" .

"Got it Samanan!?"

Still shocked grasping what to say but she answered in a snap.

"Yeah, sure Babe." two hand up surrendering.

"Good, now let's go get ready for our date Babe."

And I walk towards her, pinching her nose with a sweet smile that makes her face as red as tomatoes then grabs her hands to freshen up.

“Sure babe.” she answered and…



Authors’ corner:

I'm sorry  for not updating sooner.

Thank you guys for reading... Godbless everyone!

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