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“Love, how was the project with S&K and Diversity? Is doing okay?” Tee asked Yuki while fixing the files in her table.

“Yes Love, actually we have a meeting tomorrow for project updates. Secretary Kim will send us the details later.” Yuki answered and was about to enter her office from the extended door. “Love, I need to do something, be in my office though.”

“Okay Love, see you at lunch.” Tee agreed and started to scan some files.


… “ACL good morning.” After three rings finally the other line picked it up.

“It’s Yuki, Miss. I need the final update for the project, and please set up a meeting from the manager for the turn over. Thank you.”

… “Okay Miss Yuki, I’ll get back to you as soon as I get what you need.” She hung up and I continued scanning some files.

Since Tee trusts me with some of the projects, I never relax myself. I don't want to fail her. I need to prove to her that I am worthy of her trust.
Even brother Tah has trusted me so much. I know I'm not good at this kind of venture but as long as Tee is there, I know I can.

I didn't get my own secretary as Tee suggested. I want to do it myself since I only have a few accounts. I still manage my time, so my guest secretary is still not in need.

After the ACL and S&K project, I don't know if Tee still gives me projects. She was firm when she said we should put up our own company. 

I was scanning some files when Tee called me from the phone.

“Love, did Sam already know about the meeting tomorrow? My secretary is asking if she needs to send the update to her.”

“I’ve already sent the meeting details but I didn't know if Sam already knew about it.”

“Okay, I will just call Sam about it. Let's have our lunch now.” and she hung up.

I was about to stand up after fixing the files in my table when my phone rang.


…”Miss Yuki, It's an ACL, I already sent the files and the manager sets the meeting on Friday. Will that be okay?”...

“Yes, I’ll go with the files later. Friday it is, thank you.” and the other line said her goodbye and we ended the call.


It's been a while since we dined out together. Good thing I only lasted more than a month abroad since Tah needed to go back.
I know, Yuki has been pressured this past few weeks. The company is new to her but she's doing great.
I know she's doing her best at work, though she seems okay, I know she just doesn't want to show her stress.
I don't want to pressure her so I need to make her at ease and relax.

“Love, we're here.”

I opened her door and guided her out of the car.
The place is cozy and romantic. We headed to the receptionist as we entered the restaurant and I told her about my reservation and she guided us to our table.
A waiter approaches us and gives us the menu.

“What do you want to order love?”

“Anything Love, you can order it.” She said

I ordered her favorite dish and as soon as the food arrived, we dug in as we continued chatting and catching up.
I also learned from her about the owner of S&K Company.

“WHAAAAT?!? Are you sure?” I asked her in shock.

“Yes, I knew about it before your first meeting. I was trying to tell you then but you're in a hurry and you never listened to me.” She explained.

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