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As Mon leaves the room, I settle myself back to bed with my back attached to the headboard.
I know, a conversation between my doctor is going to be tough this time.
I never talked to him about my condition, and he only sees me every time I faint and rush to the hospital.
By then I don’t wanna give much time about my condition because I know, there is no reason to deal with it anymore.
This is the right time now, since Mon is back, maybe I should give it a try and I hope it’s never too late.

“Khun Sam?” the doctor knocks and opens the door.

I am looking at him as he enters the door. I can see his facial slightly confused and happy seeing me.
I never let out any single word until he reached my side and put her medical bag on the table beside my bed and slowly grabbed her apparatus to be used to check on my beats.

“It was nice to see you Khun Sam and finally not a breathless and vulnerable one.” He added with a sarcastic smile.

I never answered him nor made any moves while he was examining my body, especially my heartbeat.
He was checking on my eyes when I suddenly blinked and he flinched.

“Khun Sam! you blinked?” he surprisingly exclaimed.

“I want Mon here!” I said and he was stunned.

“I said, I want Mon here.” and he quickly went to the door and I heard him call Mon from the outside.

“Mon! Sam wants you here.” He yelled and I hear Mon responded she was coming.

The doctor is still standing near the door looking at me when he slowly speaks as he walks towards me.

“That is a good sign.” He said and I saw Mon coming behind his back and I let out a soft smile as she completely walked out walking beside me.

“Hi Miss Mon, It was nice to see you again…hmmmm It’s been a month maybe?” He said as he was introducing himself to Mon.

Wait! They know each other? How? I was wondering and looking at them as they were exchanging words.

“Yeah, it was nice to see you again Doc.” Mon said as she smiles to him

“I never talked to you before leaving the hospital then, the nurse on duty said you got out earlier before I arrived.” They continued chatting as if I was not here.

What? What hospital? Has Mon been hospitalized? How? When?

“I just need to do some stuff back then that’s why I leave too early.” She answered back and I didn't want to hear anything from them so I cut whatever conversation they had.

“Wait? What hospital Mon? Doc, what are you talking about?” I asked them.

Both of them looked at me and never said anything for a couple of seconds.

“Hmm… Khun Sam, Mon is the one who took care of you in the hospital for 2 days after your last faint.” He spilled.
What? So I am right. She is the person I saw leaving when I opened my eyes.
She is the one who brought the tulips too.
She owns the shirts I was wearing when I woke up.
I was in that bed without knowing the love of my life was sitting beside me.

I was in deep thought as I was looking at Mon. I can't speak as my tears slowly formed in the corner of my eyes, but I need to control myself at the moment.

The doctor continued to examine me as he was still talking and explaining everything while I am still stunned in the situation that Mon takes care of me without me knowing.

“She never leaves your side for even a second for 2 days.” He continued without looking at me as I turned my eyes to both of them and looking at Mon she was smiling looking at me back.

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