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MON’S POV after two weeks


The house is dark, no traces of human existence. Only the moon rays light from the outside reflecting inside the house. The silence is like a dagger that strikes any every sound that stings the night.

“Where are you!?”

I rush in the room, but no traces of Sam can be seen inside. I saw her car outside, which means she didn't leave the house.

I heard water drops and I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.

“Sam!!!! Sam!!!!”

I cupped my forehead asking myself, the moment I scanned the bathroom.

“Where the h*ll are you Sam?”

She is not here. I moved out of the bathroom and before I could reach the door, her phone lit up on the bedside table. I sprint to look for it and I read the notification coming from her doctor, she didn't show up for her appointment.

I was reading the message when I heard a loud bang from the outside so I rushed out without minding the stairs.


Good thing I lit up the house upon entering. I saw some pieces of broken glass and a bottle of wine near the wine cabinet. I hurriedly walked towards it and there.

I saw Sam on the floor with her torso weak and wasted, with a bottle of alcohol from her right hand.


I rapidly kneeled and grabbed her head, putting it in my lap.

“Oh my God Sam, what happened to you?”

I wrapped her body with mine. I can still feel her breathing but it was weak.
She was so weak, I can feel it from her body temperature.

I hugged her as my tears flowed endless that I can’t contain my guilt, this time I don’t know if I can handle anymore.
I’m still hugging parts of her torso, especially her head, I don't know what to do.

“I'm sorry Sam. Mon is here now.”

I can feel she reacted from whispering my names.

It hurts looking at your love suffering like this. I am also hurt, but I am doing this for us to be together again.


6 days ago

“Sam, I can’t go home to your house now, I have an emergency and I don't know how long it will take. I promise, I’ll be back soon. I love you!”

I sent her a message because I need to fly to England as soon as possible. My father needs me and I have to be there.
I know we were just back together but I have to leave her again, but this time not that long.

I was busy everyday and I didn't notice that Sam has been calling me so many times as I check my phone.
For the last 5 days she has been calling and messaging me. That makes my heart shiver.

Day 1- 15 missed calls  12 messages

Day 2- 12 missed calls 9 messages

Day 3-  9 missed calls 6 messages

Day 4-  5 missed calls 2 messages

She even sends me voicemails that really break my heart into tears.
I didn't pay much attention to the messages, It just caught my attention recently.

Everyday, I receive messages with the same content saying..


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