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“Sam, please…”

“No! and it’s final.”

“Why, Sam?”

“Mon, I don’t want you to sleep beside anyone.”

“But it is Yuki, we have done that before.”

“Yes, but you’re not gonna do it anymore!”

I lose, yes. I never said a word anymore because I know, no matter what I'm gonna say, it's gonna be NO. I silence myself until I hear another word again.


She said and kept silent as she continued to finish her breakfast so she could take her medicine. I just looked at her and smiled as keep on looking at me glancing at her.

I can't be sulked because I know she is just jealous but honestly, that was a sweet gesture of her showing her love for me.

She grabbed her medicine and started to take them one by one.
I smiled at her as she took everything and put her glass into the table looking at her medicine kit.
She looked at me and I could see sad emotions in her eyes.

“If you go, I’ll SKIP my medicines.”

She stood up and walked out of the dining room.
I was left stunned and shocked that made my heart just skip beating.

I know how hard it is for Sam taking her meds on time without skipping.
After her operations, yes series of operations, her doctors said, taking these medicines could help her recover fast.

Yes, we manage to find doctors and medical amenities for her.
We did everything to keep her alive and have more years to live.

We endure days and weeks not being together just to let her medications proceed.
Sometimes, I endured pains looking at her from the window, laid in a hospital bed sleeping with tubes, wires all over her body and machines surrounds her.

There are days that she wanted to give up, I wanted to give up, but every time I looked at her smile I just didn't.

The days that I almost didn't hear her heartbeat are the days I wanted to stop my heart beating too. I just can't believe that I am breathing normally but she doesn't.

I wanted to give her my heart but I don't want us to die together.


One year ago

“Mon, promise me… that no matter… what happens, DO NOT… GIVE ME… YOUR HEART… for transplant.”

I cried and held her hands without saying anything.
Sam is in her bed with those wires connected to the machines to support her heart to still function. She speaks hardly and takes breaks in every word.

“I know… you were thinking… about it, but please… DON’T.”

She continued, I looked at her pleading because honestly, I was really thinking about it lately. Giving her my heart…

“I love you Sam…” The only words I just uttered as I looked into her eyes giving kisses to the back of her hands.

“Mon… if you do it… I promise you, we will die together…”

She whispered and I was shocked to hear it.
I didn't manage to utter any words or say anything because of that.

Sam is about to speak again but her doctor came in to give her the medicine.
After a few minutes, the doctor explained about her situation.
We listened as he spoke without breaking my hands from hers.

“How were the chances Doc?”

I heard Sam speak.

“Still the same with your heart, but the good news is, we radiate the complications within your organs and they’re doing well.” He explained.

“But, as soon as we can get a heart donor, the hope of chances will be higher.” He continued giving us hopes.

I feel Sam’s grip became heavier and intense. I hold her hand with my vacant grip caresses telling her ‘I’m here’.

The doctor leaves the room making us silent again.
Sam closes her eyes and lets out a deep sigh.

“Mon, if one day… you have… to… let me go…”

“NO!” I sob and bury my head to her side, hugging her.

“I won’t let you die.”

I can feel her other hands to my head, caressing slowly.

“Then, if… you don’t… Please dont… die for me.” She said in a slow tone. with tears flowing in her cheeks.

“I won’t, I promise. Yes! I promise!” I stuttered as I watch her smile hardly.

I smiled back at her, looking at her sweet smile fading as she closed her eyes to have some rest.

I caressed her cheeks to clear some tears. She held my hands in her cheeks and said something while her eyes closed.

“If… I woke up… and I heard… that you gave… your heart… so… I could live… I will… pull the… machine…”

She points the direction of that machine which help her hearts, she stops talking and smirks…and continues to whisper.



I scream with my lungs out.

“OH NO! SAM!!!... I won’t go anymore, just don’t skip your meds. Okay?”

She stopped walking and I saw her smirk…

“Jeeezzzz… WHAT? WE WILL DIE TOGETHER!?” Euuurrrrgggggeeeeggge


Authors’ corner:

Thank you guys for reading... Godbless everyone!

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