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Smirk comes from my not so pale lips…
I can hear her screaming my name but I never intended to look at her.

“You can choose who you want to sleep with, Mon.”

I totally turn my back and walk away from the dining room heading to the room, go straight to the closet and change.

I check on my watch and it's already 8 in the morning. I have to go to the office to check on the details about the expansion.

But because of what happened earlier in the dining room…

“Where are you going?” Mon was speaking while checking on me.

“Office? I have a sleepover appointment with my employee.” I answer sarcastically.

I just wanted to tease her but I guess she got it in the wrong way and it doesn’t sound good.
She walked fast through the door and blocked me with her deadly stares.


I was stunned and taken aback as I heard her firm voice. But I am Sam, stubborn it is.

“Yes, I will. And you will let me pass through that door Mon.”

Since I went through multiple surgeries, Mon and I never had a big fight. We argue sometimes but Mon is always the one who easily gives up. She never gave me reasons to hurt my feelings. I always get what I want though I know she never wanted it. She always says ‘YES’ even though she hurts her own feelings. She keeps on saying ‘I’m Okay’ even if it’s not. She keeps on taking care of me even though I know she’s tired and lacks sleep.

I walked passed to the door intentionally bumped on her shoulder to tease her more.
I felt her suddenly lose control a bit and I looked at her but she was still standing trying to gain posture when she spoke.


“Let me change fast, I'm coming.”

She didn't wait for my answer and walked to the closet.
I know I won’t be able to resist because we agreed that wherever I am, she should be there.
I decided to wait for her in the living room when my phone suddenly vibrated.

“Hel-” I was cut from the other line.

“SAAAAMMMMMMM! Where are you?!” I was shocked when I heard the scream that I need to distance my phone from my ears.

“Khun Nueng! calm down… You will break my eardrums.”

“I heard your back. See you later.” She said with excitement and dropped the call.

I put my phone back inside my pocket when I heard Mon…

“Let’s go, I’ll drive.” I looked at her as she commanded me to walk in front of her.

“Hmmm… Mon?” I nervously called her name, a bit nervous.

“Can I… dri…” I didn't finish what I was about to say but…

“NO!” firm and authoritative.

‘Oh oh.. she’s upset?’ I guess I have to endure the silent ride then.


Everyone in the office is prepared and we are welcomed as we enter the company.
Everything was still in place but some of the features changed like the interiors.

My secretary prepared my office ahead of time for us to be comfortable.

Since Mon and I agreed to visit here for a year, we agreed to stay in one office at the same time.
I had my assistant prepare a table for Mon inside my office since she doesn't want to be in another room.

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