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Walking in the doors there was a buzz of excitement in the air, overtaking the coolness of the afternoon. Many voices could be heard both down the staff corridor and far out in the stadium. Meaning that the audience is already filling in and I still have not a single clue about what is happening. 

"Hello," I hear. Turning down to look down the staff corridor I find a short male with a clipboard, his black staff shirt telling me he is just the man that I was looking for.

"Oh, hello. I'm (Y/n)," I respond to the male. He looks down at his clipboard, flipping a few pieces of paper many times. "Or Mute? That is something that I go by."

Flipping back to the first page of his clipboard he smiles down at it, crossing it with the pencil in his other hand, "My apologies Mute. There are so many people are here, so hard to know who is who. So many new faces that I haven't gotten to know yet. Here, come with me. I will show you where you need to be."

"Thank you."

I follow the little man further down the staff corridor and whatnot. All the way until I found the familiar halls that I walked down once, the hallways I paced before walking out to the crowds. A few people dressed in wrestling outfits walked passed us, giving us no time of day as they moved about. They didn't look familiar to me, which could either be a good or bad thing.

"Alright, here you are." the male says, opening a door for me. I send him a thankful smile before sliding inside the room, getting fully developed in the fact that I am in the same room as some big-name wrestlers. Well including some other wrestlers that looked brand new, their nervousness like mine was as clear as day.

Glancing around the room I take in the number of people that were here with me. What I can see is Asuka to Cody Rhodes. Besides the fact there are many other people that I am unsure about, why am I here? Compared to Cody I am absolutely nothing. Someone equivalent to the dirt on the bottom of your shoes. Seems silly that I am here now.

"Hey!" I hear.

Turning my head I find a female smiling over at me, quickly getting up from her seat to make her way over to me. Her slicked black hair and purple uniform threw me for a loop. There is no way Rhea Ripley is coming over to me and wanting to talk to me. Wouldn't she rather talk to someone cooler?

"Your makeup?" She questions, getting a better look at my eye shadow. I think I know what she was wanting to talk about.

"It's exactly what you think it is," I smile.

"No way! I love Motionless!"

"I know! I know who you are, you are like my inspiration to be here. Oh my god, I can't believe you are here, talking to me. Like right in front of me, oh my goodness."

"Woah woah woah. Don't let me get all flustered here. Who knows we might be fighting to the death tonight, that would like wreck me. I don't think I could wrestle a fellow Motionless in White fan. You are new here right?"

"Yes, I am. I've only wrestled here once and lost too. But surprised to be included in whatever is happening tonight, even with all the legends."

"I am sure with whatever happens tonight it will be amazing. Come on, let's go over and sit down. Trying to prep my muscles just in case. You just never know."

Rhea throws her arm over my shoulder as she pulls me over to the rest of Judgement day. The three boys she is with are even more gorgeous in real life. Dominik with adorable brown eyes and Damian with flawless skin. Standing next to Rhea too, wow I feel so out of place. 

"Guys I want you to meet..." Rhea starts, but leaves room for me to answer since she didn't even know who I was.

"(Y/n), but I go by Mute out there," I motion to the area that the ring sits in, waiting for us to wrestle on it.

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