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(Y/n)'s POV - Before the match

I tap my foot on the ground as I find myself in the same room as the other night with the mystery matches. It was quiet as all the other wrestlers were either still arriving or chatting among themselves somewhere out in the venue. Dressed in my tactical gear I was ready for the night, eager for something huge to happen. 

Sure I was nervous, but once again Damian and Dominiks' words kept going through my mind. All the great things I can do for my wrestling career once again depend on this night. My nerves seem to always be shifting from positive to negative constantly.

"(Y/n)?" I hear. 

Turning my head I see Dominik dressed up in his wrestling gear, much like how everyone else was. But I know he isn't in my Royal Rumble match, only because I have looked over the roster for my match many times. Ensuring that I know everyone that is going to be in that ring. Bracing myself for who I could be up against at the time that I come in.

"Hey Dominik," I say in his direction, turning to look back at the television. "Come join me."

"What are you doing here, are you in the female Royal Rumble? I didn't see you on the roster."

"No, was just invited tonight for any drama. You know the usual."

He finds a seat in the chair next to me, glancing up at the television too. That is when it hit me, we never really spoke about the other night. The night when he protected me instead of joining his friends in intimidation. 

"Thank you," I say to him, focusing on him this time. 

"For what?" he questions, glancing over at me shyly.

"You know what I am referring to. I never got to say thank you, reporters came in between us before I could pull you aside that night. So thank you, Dominik, for making sure I was okay."

"W-well of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Rhea said that she was coming for me. To check on me, but you got to me first."

"She did?"


"Well uh- you know. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Really? That can't be it. Why did you come for me, Dominik? We only met each other for the first time that day."

"Don't make me say it (y/n)."


"You (Y/n), there is something about you. God, I feel like I am back in elementary school again. I guess when we met something just feels so different with you, not like when I am with Rhea. I just feel something between us tha-"

The sound of voices entering the room makes Dominik let out a long sigh of relief, thankful he didn't have to explain himself anymore. I glance at him, watching as he fumbles under my gaze before Rhea joins me on the couch. She looks between us, a visible smirk on her lips probably wondering what happened moments before she came in. Damian and Finn stand behind Rhea and me, watching the television as it plays the audience filing in. An hour before showtime.

"I am so ready to get my wrestle on," Damian says, crossing his arms as I look back at him. I watch as his muscles dance across his arms, showing the hard work that he put in on himself.

"Oh yeah?" Finn responds. "Aren't you a little afraid? So many big and small names are going on that stage tonight. You better not chicken out tonight."

"Why would I chicken out? You are so strange, little man."

"Dude I am trying to make you irritated so you wrestle with anger, geez I can't catch a break these days. Also, I am so not little."

"I can't wrestle angrily tonight, I have other goals tonight."

He pats my shoulder before he turns to leave, causing Finn and Dominik to stare at me. "What was that about?" Finn asks me.

My eyes glance at Rhea before I turn towards Finn, "Heck if I know."

"Anyways, shouldn't you boys be getting Damian ready? He may not show it, but I think he is quite nervous," Rhea fake coughs, glaring at me as if I did something wrong.

The others groan before they turn to leave the room, looking for their friend. This left Rhea and me alone, making her turn to me instantly, "That was the most suspicious answer I have ever heard (Y/n). I am sorry but you did not sell me on that lie. Sound like he was trying to score with you tonight."

"No," I stutter out.

"Yes. I'm sorry girl, but my plans for tonight are going to change. Thanks."

"What does that mean?"

"You said that I am in charge of what happens with those two boys."

"I did?"

She gets up, leaving me sitting on that couch with so many questions. Honestly, I was confused, I don't have any clue about what she is planning. All I wanted was to have a quiet moment in this room, but now I feel like I was scolded by my mother. Sitting back I fiddle my fingers against each other, watching as the commentators get ready for the show. Listening to them explain the rules and all that junk, made me tune out for a while.

Getting up from the couch I head out the door, only to almost run right into Dominik. He nervously looks down at me, like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. I give him a confused look as he speaks, "I was going to come in."

"Oh yeah?" I laugh. "How long were you standing out here? I thought you were supposed to pump up Damian for his match?"

"I did, but then Mami said that I should check on you. So that she can have a word with Damian alone. I'm not sure why I need to check on you, you seem perfectly fine. Like I don-"

"Dominik, why are you getting so flustered."

"I'm not-t!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Stop looking at me like that then!"

"Like what Dominik." 

Cheering from the crowd causes Dominik to jump, quickly turning to leave me alone at the doorway I caught him at. I let out a laugh before I realized there was a bystander. Glancing to my right I see someone with a camera, glaring at me like deer in the headlight. They scurry away before I could confront them. My eyes narrow at their missing presence, wondering if this would be the work of Rhea. Trying to brew up some drama for me. 

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