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"Hello?" I answer the phone, trying to not sound like I just woke up, even when I was still curled up in my blankets.

"Is this Miss. (L/n)?" I hear on the other end.

"This is she, who am I speaking to?"

"Good morning. I am the coordinator for the Royal Rumble, I was wondering if you could come down so we can have a chat about it. Are you free today at let's say around 11?"

"I will be there."

"Perfect, see you then."

Hearing the end of the line click, I place the phone on my chest as I look up at my ceiling. Watching the sunrays dance across the white walls of my bedroom, calming me of any nerves that decided to work their way to my mind. 


Looking down at my outfit I regret my choice of outfit, knowing it's already too late to change. Ripped black skinny jeans, paired with a band tee, and combat boots. I never know how I should dress to these meetings, nobody has really ever told me. In my defense, I have only ever been in one meeting. Nobody tells me anything, so why does it matter anyways? 

Walking in I find a long hallway. Different doors to different rooms along the walls. One door is for the merch room, the other door is to the gym, and all the way at the end of the hallways is where the meetings are held. It is honestly odd, I know.

Making my journey I head toward the other end of the hallway, not expecting to hear someone calling out my name from behind me. Turning around I see Dominik, his hair wet from the shower I presume he just took. Judging by the fact he has his gym bag draped over his shoulder, and that he came from the room where the gym was. 

"Hey," I say lightly. Making sure I look presentable under the gaze of the male in front of me. Making me think I was back in middle school again. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I have a meeting with a few people at 11."

"You have a match coming soon? That's great to hear! What's the meeting about?" Did Rhea or Damian not tell him about the Royal Rumble?

"I don't even know, It is super secret I guess."

"Well good luck, hopefully, you don't get fired. You just got hired!"

"Oh, you wish I would get fired so I wouldn't have to kick your butt on television."

"Is that a threat Miss. (Y/n)?"

"Anything for you Dominik."

He turns to leave in the direction that I came from shaking his head with a cheeky grin. I send him a smile back, but I know he couldn't see it. Remembering why I was there, I turn back towards the direction I was headed in, making a beeline once again for the meeting room. Hoping that I came at a perfect time.


Rhea sips on her coffee from across the table, humming over the fact that her latte was made to perfection. All I could do was stare at her, letting her have her little moment with her coffee. I mean I love my coffee, but probably not as much as Rhea does.

"So," I start once she finally looks at me. "You didn't tell Dominik about the Royal Rumble?"

"I swore to secrecy to not tell anyone, Damian, too. Much to everyone else, they only know of the men that are entering the ring that night. Not of you joining in. Plus it's not my place to tell him, it's your choice who you tell since it is your match."

"Hmmm. Okay, you are right."

"Always am."

"Alright, get off your high horse now."

"I'm just saying! Now tell me, did any juicy details get said in the meeting today?"

"Not really I guess. All I was asked was if I was comfortable enough to be in this match. That it's my problem if I get hurt, yadda yadda. Just the number I am entering the ring in, and that I am expected to show off to Edge more than anyone else."

"Sounds reasonable. You got this girl, I just know it."

"I've been planning this move since I've been a little girl. There have been a few times that I have tried it out, but only on my siblings. So I think I am going to break it out for the Royal Rumble."

"A signature move from the powerful Mute, how exciting! What is it called? If you don't mind sharing."

"It's called 'the silencer'. But the few times I did try it on my siblings, I failed. It never worked like how I wanted it to go."

"And you want to try it in this big match? Are you sure you are ready for that?"

"I'm not ready for this Royal Rumble, why not add in a move that I haven't perfected yet?"

"I like your thinking (Y/n)."

I have a week before the big match and I should be nervous, but I am not. Sure I already have an enemy, but being a part of the Royal Rumble was overshining everything. Many years ago my dad got cheap tickets to a Royal Rumble from his job, and he took little ol' me. So being invited to join the stage with the male wrestlers make that little girl in me very excited. 

There is a very high probability that I am going to make a fool out of myself on that stage, but who cares! What newbie female wrestler gets to go on the Royal Rumble stage with the men? Nobody, except for me. So I'm celebrating for me. Last week I was a nobody, now I have a great friend, someone who wants my head on a stick, and an amazing match to look forward to.

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