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"Where is everyone?" I ask Dominik as I walk up to him, looking around for my crazy friend specifically. 

"They left us I guess," Dominik says as he gets up. "Let's get you home, you look like you are about to pass out."

"Doctor gave me some good stuff so I can sleep tonight."

"Come on then."

He places a hand on the small of my back as he guides me to his car. Fighting against sleep was difficult due to the fact I was a little drugged up, Dominik I guess knew that because he had to catch me from falling a few times. Once we got to his car I knew I passed out, only because I woke up when he tried getting me out of the car.

"Dominik," I say finally realizing we were at my apartment.

"Shh," He whispers. "You can go back to sleep, I got you."

Picking my head up I didn't even realize I was actually out of the car and getting carried by him. We were in the elevator already. Much to his complaining, he gently placed me on my feet after I tried to wiggle out. Hitting my apartment level he places his hand on my back, guiding me out of any walls I forgot were there.

Getting to my door I tapped my pockets, realizing that I didn't have my keys. Dominik lets out a small laugh as he reaches over me to put my key in the lock, unlocking it. Moving inside I head straight for my bed, throwing the sling off of me to crawl under the covers. 

"You aren't going to recover quickly if you throw a fit," Dominik jokes from the living room.

"Who cares," I mumble into my pillow, unsure if he heard me.

"I do," He walks into my bedroom, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Here, can you take this?"

Sitting up I find a glass of water in his hands, a pill gets placed in my other hand. Rolling my eyes in the darkness I swallow the pill, knowing he didn't see me give him attitude. I hand him the glass of water once I was finished with it.

"Are you going to be okay?" He whispers to me.

"Doctor said I should be okay," I shrug, knowing he can't see it.

"No (Y/n), I mean mentally. You got attacked, something WWE never allows. We wrestle for fun, but Beth was out to hurt you today. I want to know if you are going to be okay."

"Ask me again when I am not high on pain meds Dom."

He lets out a long sigh before getting up. The warmth of his body leaves with him as he walks away. A feeling I wasn't sure I wanted to give up just yet. The emptiness feeling is the same feeling I am dealing with mentally. I know Beth hurt me to ruin my career, and she knows she succeeded. She knew what she was doing, even in her wicked way. Part of me wants to be mad at her, but the other part of me is mad at myself for being put in that position of being so helpless. 

"Dominik," I say out loud.

"Yes," He responds, just stopping before the doorway out of my bedroom.

"Can you stay here? I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Yes, of course. I just need to run to my car to get a change of clothes."

He lingers by my doorway before coming back up to me, his hand finding my cheek, "Everything is going to be okay."

His lips find my forehead as he places a small kiss. He pulls away, turning out of my bedroom. Down the hall I could hear the front door open and close, meaning I am once again alone. A feeling that I don't like anymore. Laying back in bed I roll myself up in the blankets, warming myself up from horrid thoughts of my life. The thought of Beth coming to kill me. People probably laughing at how weak I am. Edge terrorizing the only things I have left out of anger. The fact I couldn't even protect myself, that I needed Judgement day to have Beth step away from me. 

"Hey," Dominik's hands wrap around me as he crawls into bed, he moved with caution as he didn't want to hurt me. "It's okay."

"What," I sniffle out.

"You're crying."

"I am?"

"Yes (Y/n), how many things did the doctor give you?" He laughs beside me as he places his chin on top of my head.

"Quite a bit."

We sit in silence for a bit before I changed my laying position. My hand touches his leather pant leg, making me instantly sit up, "Haven't you changed yet?"

"No," He responds. "I heard you crying and came as quick as I could."

"Go get changed you weirdo, I wanna go to bed."

He scoffs at me as he gets up, tapping against the walls as he finds the bathroom in the dark. Laughing at him I get up to fix up my bed a little. My shoulder fought back a little but I shook off the pain, trying not to think about anything about it. Once the pillows and blankets were set up like a normal human sleeps in it, I crawled into it. 

Dominik soon joins me, crawling into bed on my left side. The same warmth from before finds its way beside me. As much as I would love to cuddle up against him for warmth my arm fought against it, just wanting to be left alone for the night. 

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