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"(y/n), can you please come with me tonight? I need a girl to cheer me on," Rheas' voice echoed through my mind as I pulled up to the arena. Referring to the meeting she was being put up against someone that I am well known to, Beth Phoenix. Of course, I said yes. I haven't seen her since the last time I beat her, but the thought of her husband lurking around scared me.

I found Rhea in the dressing rooms, her stylist was finishing up her hair when I walked in. But when Rhea saw me she jumped out of the chair instantly to greet me. She pulled me away from earshot of anyone, "Do you have your wrestling gear?"

I whisper in an offended tone, "You don't like my skinny jeans?"

"You look fabulous, but I need you to change. My stylist will get your makeup on real quick."

"You're scaring me, Rhea."

"Please (Y/n), do you have your wrestling outfit? Or a casual one that looks like Mute?"

"I only have my wrestling outfit."

"Good, go put it on."


Rhea dusted fake dust off my shoulder as she looked at me, clearly nervous about something that she wasn't telling me. I wanted to say something but a staff member said Rhea was on in twenty seconds. Pushing away from Rhea I intended to go to the seat that I bought for myself tonight, but she held my arm in place.

She guided me towards the entrance to the venue, the same entrance where she will do her walkout. Her eyes never met mine as I looked at her confused. I wanted to say something to her, but she pushed me out to the audience. Changing my face in a split second I stood next to her as she confidently walked for the audience. People chanted her name as she waved at them, and I followed behind her till we make it to the ring.

Beth was waiting in the ring, a visible smirk on her lips as we entered the ring also. Someone hands Rhea a microphone.

"Hello everyone," Rhea greets everyone in the crowd. "It's so nice to see every one, even you Beth."

"Nice to see you too Rhea, looks like you brought someone new tonight. An old friend of mine, hmm. Where is the rest of your book club?" Beth smiles, looking around for the rest of Judgement day.

"You don't need to worry about that."

"So Mute, seems like you have made yourself pretty popular. But around here, we don't let little girls run this place. Sorry sweetcheeks, but this is my town. Just because you beat me once, doesn't mean you get to strut yourself off to everyone else."

I smile at Beth as Rhea slips the microphone into my hands, "Nice to see you finally see you again Beth. Haven't seen you since I wiped your face with the floor. But last time I checked, this little girl also beat your husband too. So sorry sweetcheeks, you are going to have to get used to me."

Rhea places a hand on my shoulder as Beth scoffs at me, "You're fresh meat. Edge and I aren't the only big-name wrestlers that are going to come for you. Everyone saw how you wrestled on Friday, so they know you are a threat. I'd watch your back if I was you."

I feel Rhea grab the microphone from me as she walks behind me. Her laugh fills the arena, making me smile as I stand in the middle of the ring. Crossing my arms I stare at Beth as she stands right in front of me, a look of disgust written all over her face as she looks at me.

"Beth," Rhea finally says as her laugh mellows down. "(Y/n) is an amazing wrestler, and you just can't come to terms with that. But everyone else in this room knows this girls potential. Her skills make her a big target, everyone knows that. But just behind (Y/n) are four other skilled wrestlers, ready to defend her. Judgement Day wouldn't be complete without her."

My eyebrows curl in confusion as I turn around to look at Rhea. She was standing just behind me as she held a purple bandana in her hands. A smile comes to my lips as I look up at her.

"Are you serious?" I ask her.

"I knew it the first time I met you (Y/n)," Rhea whispers to me, a few stray tears coming to her eyes. "You deserve a spot with us."

Just as I was about to grab the bandana from her I felt someone's fist hit my jaw from behind me. Rhea steps back in shock as I then felt a foot on my back, knocking me to the ground with great strength. A boot presses against my back, not letting me get up from the ground. Someone's hand then grabs my arm, forcing it towards my back in an uncomfortable manner. Felt like it would pop out of the socket at any second. 

"Beth," Rhea shouts. "What are you doing!"

"Mute is never safe, in or out of Judgement day. Doesn't matter. Me and Edge will make her life horrible, no matter what." Beth giggles wickedly from above me. Her grip on my arm pushes deeper, making the pain unbearable in my shoulder. Rhea takes a step closer to us but beth just pushes deeper, making me let out a painful scream. 

From my view, I could see the referees trying to get in the ring to stop this, but Edge put himself in between us. He threw a few referees to the ground as they continued to try to get on stage to help.

"Beth," I hear Rhea say. "You don't need to do this."

"I just need to show miss superstar here that she messed with the wrong people," Beth giggles. A pop could be heard from my shoulder as she continued to bend my arm backward.

"Or was it you that messed with the wrong people?" I hear from the other side of me.

My arm gets thrown roughly back in the socket as Beth takes her foot off of me. As she steps away from me I feel someone flip me on my back. Dominik peers over me, wiping the stray tears that fell from my eyes with his thumb.

Rhea steps around us, shouting many words at Beth. I tuned it out as heat raised to my arm.

"Can you get up," Dominik asks.

"I can't move my arm," I whisper. "I can't feel it."

"You need to get up, we need to get you to the hospital. Can you get up for me?"

I nod silently at him as he gets to his feet, watching me with a careful eye as I slowly get to my feet. Using the rope as leverage once my head starts to get dizzy. Dominik grabs my good arm, guiding me out of the ring.

"Beth," I say, turning around. Dominik continues to push me out of the venue, where medics were already grabbing me just beyond the door. They knew something bad happened on that stage, I just don't want to come to terms with it yet.

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