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Waking up in my bed with the curtains drawn open made me realize I forgot to close them last night. Bright sun rays stared back at me, judging me for the fact I dare sleep. Picking my head up I look around to see Dominik gone, but the coffee smell just down the hall hit my nose. Once again, he knows how to make my morning.

Getting out of bed I find Dominik at the coffee maker, placing a few pills in my hand as he keeps the cup hostage. Rolling my eyes I place the pills in my mouth as he gives me the cup of coffee, allowing me to now take a drink.

"How late did I sleep now?" I joke, following him to the living room.

"It's only nine, so not as bad as yesterday," He laughs as he puts his arm on my thigh as he sits down next to me on the couch.

"We could heat up the leftover pancakes that Finn so graciously gifted my poor fridge."

"Is that you hinting towards the fact that you are hungry m'lady?"


"I'm on it, you just sit there and look pretty."

He gets up, leaving me alone on the couch. My eyes narrowed on my phone that was on the coffee table in front of me, making me realize I haven't even looked at it in a while. Leaning over to the table I replace my coffee with my phone.

Turning it on I realize the number of mentions I have on any app you could think of. A sigh escapes my lips as I open Instagram, and see all the positive messages people have tagged me in. Telling me to rest up. WWE posted a video of my highlights even, highlighting the kinda wrestler I am. A smile comes to my lips as I watch over the few moments I had in the ring. 

Before I could adventure even further Dominik places a plate in front of me. Quickly I throw my phone to the side as I look down at the food, noticing how he also cut the pancakes into small pieces so I didn't have to. He goes back to the kitchen, making a ruckus while I chowed down.

The jingling of his phone makes him stop whatever he was doing. I could hear him say hi to someone before coming over to me. He finds a seat in front of me on the floor, just in front of my legs.

Rhea was on a video call with him, clearly at the gym. She cautiously looks around before looking back at the camera, "Did you guys see it yet?"

"What?" I question, placing the plate on the table. 

"I'll forward it to Dom, but it's bad (Y/n)."

"What are you talking about?" Dominik asks.

"Give me a second."

A notification from Rhea pops up, and Dominik clicks on it instantly. I watch as the link takes us to an Instagram page. There were only three posts on the Instagram page, but already thousands of followers. Dominik clicks on the first post, realizing it was of him and me. It was a picture of the first time he was ever at my apartment, my hand clearly on him. 

Scrolling to the second post it was from last night. Once again him standing by my door while I look back up at him.

Then another the latest post makes my heart stop. Posted about an hour ago. It was a picture of him and I curled up in bed together, asleep. Hundreds of likes were already on the post, informing me that many people have already seen it. What scared me the most was that someone was in my house last night, they literally broke in.

"You guys either have a stalker on your hands or a hater," Rhea says, reminding me that we were still on a call with her.

"Oh my god," I sniffle a sob, fear creeping up my neck as I look out the living room window.

Dominik moves quickly as he checks the front door, cursing under his breath as he realizes he must have forgotten to lock the door. Meaning that the person stalking us must check my door every night to see if I forgot to lock it or not. 

"You guys are going to have to respond to the account soon, WWE fans are making assumptions. I'm sorry guys." Rhea whispers. "(Y/n), you don't deserve this."

She ends the call, leaving Dominik and me alone. He sets his phone down on the table beside my plate, grabbing my hands. A shaky breath escapes his lips as he looks up at me from his seated position on the floor. 

"This is my fault," he says.

"How?" I question.

"If I didn't mix my stupid life with yours you wouldn't be in this position."

"Don't say that Dominik. I don't regret anything that has led up to this moment, I like the few moments alone we have had."


"Yes, even if I do use you as my own personal heater."

"Oh, I knew that night one, don't worry about that."

"Yikes, sorry. Now, what do we do about this stalker that has already outed our relationship to the WWE world?"

"Let them have their fun I guess for right now, let me make a few phone calls."

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