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Sun escaped through the curtains on my face, defeating the whole purpose of having curtains. Groaning I sit up, feeling my bones argue against the movement. Getting out of bed I fully open the curtains, letting my room get flooded with bright light. The warmth of the sun against my skin felt like little kisses. 

Moving towards the kitchen I place a coffee cup under the Keurig, instantly getting it into brewing mode. Within a second the smell of coffee filled the room, making my mood a little bit better. Sure the pain in my body was rough, but the smell of coffee fixes anything. Without coffee what is the meaning of coffee?

Once the Keurig sputtered to the end of filling my cup, I fill it with sugar and creamer. As much as I hate to admit it, I love sweet coffee. There is no way that I can drink just black coffee, not a chance you find me drinking black coffee.

As much as I wanted french toast, all I wanted to do is sit down and relax. Maybe I will just Doordash it because I am lazy. Shrugging I move towards the couch, turning on the WWE channel. Just in time, I found the reporters talking about the Royal Rumble. Something about how many people attended the event last night, blah blah blah.

Then the good stuff, the men's Royal Rumble. Two men were seated across from each other as highlighted clips from the Royal Rumbles last night played in between them.

"Well, I am going to talk about the elephant in the room," The commentator says to the other person. "This was the biggest and best Royal Rumble that has ever happened. From big names getting thrown out so quickly, to a woman winning the men's royal rumble!"

The other commentator says, "I know! Seeing Mute walk on stage made a lot of people assume she was going to get eliminated fast. But she was the only person that could eliminate Edge, making their rivalry continue. I was able to speak with Edge before he left and let's just say he was furious. So if I was Mute, I would watch my back. Edge is capable of anything."

"Mute definitely shocked everyone last night, me included. Being so new in the WWE community we didn't expect a lot. Let me tell you though, I think she deserves that spot in Wrestlemania."

"See I agree with you, though I know many people don't. They don't like how a newbie just shows up, beats their favorite wrestlers, and then claims a spot in Wrestlemania. But like if you watched the Rumble last night you would see what an amazing wrestler she is! Did you see the airborne fight with Seth Rollins? My favorite part!"

"See my favorite part was when Damian kissed her."

"That was a twist!"

"I thought it was beautiful, she was going to eliminate herself to let him win. See that was beautiful, makes you know what kinda person she is. Then Damian stops her to kiss her and eliminate himself before she could! Such an amazing show last night and I can't wait to see where her career leads to."

Scrolling the channels I move towards impractical jokers, wanting to have a non-wrestling day. The only reason I wanted to listen to the WWE news was to see what they had to say about me. From the sounds of it, they liked me, but their comments about Edge scared me. Yes, he is an amazing wrestler and such a strong competitor, but they were right. Edge is capable of anything, and the fact that I beat him and his wife doesn't put me good on his list. I'm his number one hated person, and I don't know what he will do out of anger toward me.

Just as I was about to sip on my coffee and enjoy my day, my phone starts ringing. Rolling my eyes I put down my coffee and run to get my phone which was still in my bedroom. Seeing Rhea's name on my phone made me let out a sigh, "Yes Rhea."

"What are you doing?" She hums.

"Enjoying my day off."

"Do you want to come to work out with me?"

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