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Rhea finds me in the crowd of reporters and other wrestlers, pulling me into the tightest hug. From the beating from Seth moments earlier, the hug honestly killed me. I let out a long groan, letting her know the hug was painful. She quickly lets go of me once she realizes this and sends me an apologetic smile.

"I have never been prouder," She says to me. "I knew you had it in you."

"I can't believe I did it," I say to her, wiping a few stray tears that escaped my eyes. "My dad is probably freaking out right now."

Damian finds us in the crowd of people, slapping Rheas' shoulder in a playful manner. She sends him a fake smile before pulling his ear and dragging him away from me. The pain continued to reach my back, notifying me that it was probably time to wind down for the night. Trying to escape the reporters after winning the men's royal rumble as a woman was difficult. As people tried to ask questions I wanted to answer them quickly so I can get out as soon as possible.

Making it to the changing rooms took the longest. Remnants of sequins and makeup lay all over the floor, reminding me that the female royal rumble is happening now. As much as I would love to watch it, all I wanted to do is take an ice bath and possibly call my dad.

Grabbing my gym back I slip out of the changing rooms, sneaking my way across the building toward the gym. Just beyond the gym is a post-wrestling dream. Hot tubs and ice baths. Finding the room I notice that I was the only one to have this idea. Stripping out of my combat boots and gear I danced around in my sports bra and spandex. Trying to quickly get an ice bath drawn up for me. 

Much to my eagerness it took ten whole minutes for the bath to fill up. So when it hit the max level after that long excruciating ten minutes, I submerged myself in the ice bath. The coolness of the ice felt nice against my aching muscles. A long groan escapes my lips as I lay my head back, sitting in the darkness to regroup with myself.

Part of my brain wanted to celebrate my win, but the other one was confused about the fact that Damian kissed me. Have I been giving him signals that he maybe misunderstood? What did Rhea tell him to do? Oh, that girl will be the death of me.

A knock at the door scared me. Sitting up I find Seth looking over at me, his gym bag dropped over his shoulder.

"Hey," I smile.

"I just wanted to say it was an honor," He laughs. "I gotta be completely honest, I didn't expect much of you tonight."

"Gee thanks."

"You totally shocked me, I was sorta scared to wrestle you. I knew I needed to get you eliminated but the fact you had someone from Judgement day on your side I knew I wasn't winning."

"We had some good moments out there. Like that airborne clothesline, that is all the reporters are talking about right now. Oh thanks for the back readjustment out there, I've been in pain all night now."

"My bad. I was still trying to figure out how I can get you eliminated without Damian noticing. But thanks for an amazing night, maybe we can see each other again on the stage. This time working together instead of against each other."

"I don't know Seth, I am not sure I can forgive you for breaking my back."

"That sounds so dirty."

"Yeah yeah yeah, you know what I mean."

"Do I?"

"Goodnight Seth."

He sends me a smile before leaving me alone to attend to my ice bath. I shake my head at him as if he was still there. Moving around in the ice bath I grab my phone from my gym bag, finding a text from my dad. It was a picture of him and his friends at the bar with the WWE match on in the background. Then attached to it was ' Couldn't be any prouder of you. All these old geezers here couldn't believe that my daughter is going to Wrestlemania! Love you x '

A smile comes to my lips, knowing that my whole crazy childhood wasn't for nothing. There were some days he would get so angry with my talks about wrestling, then there were days he would let me wrestle him. It's always been nice knowing that I will always have a fan no matter how big or small my name gets.

Turning my phone off I lay back down fully into the ice, taking as long as I can until the ice melts away.

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