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Changing into shorts and a crop top I let out a long sigh as I turn off the lights. My hands search the room until I find my bed, crawling under the covers as my muscles remind me to not move in certain ways. Another sigh escapes my lips as I lay in bed in silence, watching the moon shine just between my curtain panels.

Tomorrow morning I am going to order some french toast in celebration of winning tonight. I deserve a little treat for myself, I put my poor body through so much. Cinnamon sweetness won't cure what Seth did to me, but it will numb the pain for a bit. Plus I haven't had french toast in forever, and that sounds so good right now.

A giggle escapes my lips as I bury my face deeper into my pillow as I imagined breakfast tomorrow. I don't know if I was running on exhaustion now or still the fact I am going to Wrestlemania. Honestly, I have no clue.

Hearing a knock at my door makes me sit up instantly. I wanted to assume I imagined it, that it was just my imagination. But I hear them knock again. Throwing my blankets off of me I get up, making my way to the front door in the darkness. Opening the door I couldn't quite tell who it was. Proving that I am now running off of exhaustion.

"(Y/n)," I hear them say.

Squinting my eyes in the darkness I finally register who it was, "What are you doing here?"


He stops.


He looks up at me before turning to leave. I grab his hand to stop him, I was worried. Rhea probably told him where I lived, and that it's not normal to drop in this late at night. Feeling him shiver under my touch makes me even more confused.

"Dominik," I whisper his name.

"Can you stop," he mutters under his breath.

"Please talk to me."

My other hand grabs his forearm, pulling him inside. I shut the front door, pulling him towards my living room. His brown eyes were highlighted by the stars just beyond the window, also showing the fact that something was wrong. 

"Dominik," I start. "What's wrong."

He stays quiet for a while, and I wait as long as he needs. It scared me, I didn't know what to expect.

"I don't know what to say," he finally says.

"What? Dominik."

"(Y/n) please, please stop saying my name like that. You are making this harder than it should be."

"You're scaring me."

"I can't do this."

He gets off the couch, pacing the room in front of me. Standing up I grab ahold of his forearm, feeling his muscles flex under my grasp. I place my hand on his cheek to look at me, his skin was soft under my touch. My voice goes quiet, "what's wrong?"

"I can't," his voice quivers in the darkness of my living room.

"There must be a reason you ended up on my doorstep."

He stays silent as I feel his hands reach for my cheeks, holding them softly as he tries to find my eyes in the darkness. My heart was pounding against my chest as the coolness of his fingers touched my warm skin. 

"Oh screw it," he whispers to himself.

Under his touch I feel him lean down towards me, finding my lips in the darkness. My hand pushes his chest, pushing him away from me.

"Dominik," I whisper his name again. "Did you show up on my doorstep to kiss me?"

"No," he answers quickly.

"Why then?"

"I wanted to be with you. To feel you. To taste your lips."

Thankfully it is dark out, or else he would see me as a blushing mess. I've never had anyone be this so forward with me, like ever. My sister can't even come clean about taking my shirts from my closet, and this man just said he wanted to taste my lips. Crazy world we live in.

"I'm sorry," Dominik says.

"Why," I ask, my hand finding his cheek again.

"Seeing you kiss Damian on stage made me jealous. I basically was figuratively on my knees begging for Rhea to give me your address so I could shoot my shot before he stole you from me, as usual."

"Oh, Dominik."

"I'll go now."


"I shouldn't have co-"

Getting on my tippy toes I place my lips on his again, moving my hands to his hair as I feel him smile against my lips. His hands wrap around me as he dips me, my arm tightens around him in fear that he would drop me on the ground. Aches from the match come back to my back, making me groan in pain.

"I would never drop you," he says, pulling me back up to my feet.

"No," I reassure him. "My back is still killing me from Seth tonight. That match killed me."

Without hesitation, he picks me up carefully, "I am sorta regretting coming over now. I never realized how much pain your poor body is probably in right now. Where is your bed, you gotta get some rest."

"Down the hall to the right."

He listens to my instructions, getting me placed in my bed in no time. Even tucked me under my covers, making sure to not aggravate any muscle that could be sore. Before he could turn around I grab his hand.

"Dominik," I start. "I don't regret that you came over tonight."

Air escapes his mouth as he laughs, "I'm glad. Now get some rest (Y/n)."

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