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Rheas POV- The Game

The boys and I were hidden in the crowd, just far enough that we wouldn't get noticed by the cameras. But close enough that we were able to get a good view of the match. Usually, we would wait behind the scenes for Damian. But there is a new factor in the Rumble, so I asked the boys if we could watch the royal rumble in the flesh today. Sure that raised a few questions from Finn, but he agreed.

Sitting among the crowd with Dom to my left, and Finn to my right, everything felt so different. Fans cheering was so loud, way different from my usual position on the wrestling mat. The energy though is amazing. I could feel such good energy as the audience watched their favorite wrestlers wrestle it out in front of them. A young kid sat a few rows up sporting a judgment day shirt, his little eyes found us right away among the crowd. Biggest smile I ever saw as I wave to him.

Damian was wrestler number 18, meaning he had to stick it out for a while until (Y/n) comes out. But I wasn't worried. What I was more worried about were both Edge and Dominik. Edge wasn't here to play, he is the reason (Y/n) is in the match. He is ready to stick up for his wife, the woman (Y/n) demolished on live TV. Dominik on the other hand was going to kill me once he finds out she is joining them tonight.

I stare at the back of Cody Rhodes head as he walks toward the ring, the last wrestler that is supposed to enter the ring. Or so everyone thinks. The room is full of people thinking that Cody is the last wrestler in the 2023 Royal Rumble.

My eyes move to Dominik as the lights go dark. I could see (Y/n) walk into the arena in my peripherals but I couldn't find Dominik in the darkness. Although much to my dismay, his eyes were right on mine once the lights turned on. His lips quivered with anger, "Are you serious? You let this happen? There is no way she is joining the match, not a chance."

Dominik stands up from his seated position, but I grab his arm. Forcing him down I turn to look him in the eyes, "I think you should just watch her." 

"What why? She can get seriously hurt up there!"

"Damian is up there with her, he told me he will do everything in his power to protect her. Trust me, Dominik, this is good for her career and for her feud with Edge."

"Fine, but if anything happens to her I am blaming you."

"Good, because I know nothing bad will happen to her."

Turning to look back at the mat, I silently pray that she doesn't get hurt. Then I will have a few people mad at me, plus I put a few hundred bucks bet on her winning against Edge with a few of the staff members. All the staff members bet on Edge winning, so all my fingers are crossed. 

My ears picked up the sound of a few men behind me, laughing at the fact that (Y/n) was in the ring with all the other wrestlers. Saying something about how 'the girl could chip a nail' or 'how her boobs are practically out'. Dominik and I turn to look at the group behind us at the same time, getting their attention. They look down at us, not batting an eye at the fact we are wrestlers ourselves. This made me laugh a little to myself at the endless possibilities.

"If the girl wins I get to punch you in the face," I shrug at them, noticing the amount of beer they already consumed all on the ground.

"And if she doesn't? Do I get a nice little date with you tonight?" One of the males asks.

"And I get the one on stage?" his buddy pats Dominik on the shoulders before turning to finish his beer. "I wouldn't mind a nice little ride with her."


"Sounds good princess."

Turning back towards the match I double-cross my fingers, knowing I put a lot at risk tonight. Just as I wanted to send Dominik a glare I watch as (Y/n) climbs the tops of the ropes, Edge just below her. She forces him to the ground but it didn't seem to phase Edge, so he was able to get up effortlessly. All the while he uses that time to get (Y/n) towards the ropes, picking her up like she weighed nothing. 

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