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Rhea was the first person to greet me as soon as I was out of the arena, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to crush me, but at the same time not try to hurt me. 

"(Y/n)," she whispers. "I've never had anyone do this for me! I don't know what to say. Thank you!"

"You deserve it," I reassure her. "I contacted people yesterday to finalize my decision. You have a photoshoot for Wrestlemania tomorrow for the posters."

"Oh (Y/n), I could kiss you right now."

"Please don't," Dominik says, walking in behind Rhea. "She is kinda mine now."

"Oh am I now?" I joke.

"I thought I made that clear on live television. Everyone knows now, officially."

"With the kiss under the spotlight? No, not really."

"Oh, my bad. I will make it clear next time."

"Gross," Rhea fake gags. "How about we go out for drinks tonight? To celebrate!"

"Not with all the pain meds (Y/n) is on, no way."

"Buzz-kill police."

"Tell me about it," I roll my eyes playfully.

"Steak dinner?"


"I am taking (Y/n) out for dinner tonight before you can lil Dom Dom."

Dominik stood there with a shocked face as Rhea grabs my good hand and drags me to the dressing room. She sits in front of a mirror as she fixes her makeup from the tears I gave her. People came and go, but we only focused on each other. Excited about the fact that I get to watch Rhea fight.

"Thank you," Rhea says again.

"If you keep saying that I will rip this sling off and drag you on that stage. Then when we are on the stage I will drop kick you so far into the audience you will forget what day it is." I glare at her.


"All jokes aside Rhea, you deserve the spot more than me. Everyone loves you, even I do. So wrestle at Wrestlemania for me."

"You love me?"

"Well of course I do, you are like my best friend."

"You are going to make me cry again."

"I'll drop-kick you here if you would like?"

"I'll stop."

She nudges me playfully before putting on a new layer of lipstick. I watch her intently, making sure she doesn't tear up on me again. Food was all I was thinking about right now and I don't want to delay it any longer. 

Finn basically tears the door down as he barges in, not caring if anyone was in here getting dressed. Thankfully it was only Rhea and me currently. Damian comes running behind him, a computer in his hands.

"We found who it is," Finn shouts.

"Who?" I get up instantly.

Damian flips the computer towards me where all it displays was a map. On the map was a little red marker. Confused I look up at Damian, still unsure of what they are saying.

Rhea gets up, standing behind me as she looks over my shoulder. She softly speaks, "Well who would have thought."

"What?" I question, glancing behind me.

"You are so cute (Y/n), don't you know who lives on that street?"

"No Rhea, I don't know where anyone lives like what you do."

"Well the true stalker is your worst enemy, should have seen this coming."

Dominik comes running into the room, phone in hand. Probably got the news that the stalker was found. His eyes meet mine just passed the computer, fear reaching my face once I realize what Rhea was hinting at.

"Edge," I whisper. 

"He has it out for you since day 1," Rhea says placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "They have gone crazy, this obsession with you."

"This isn't right," Damian says shutting the computer.

"I wrestle for fun. I beat Beth in a fair fight, then beat Edge in a fair fight. Why are they taking the loss to another extreme?" I question, taking Rheas' seat in front of the mirror. "All I wanted to do was make something of my name. Now my stalker is the person that made my name something."

"What are we going to do?"

"I am going over there," Rhea says. "We are rescheduling our steak dinner (Y/n), sorry honey."

"I am coming with," Finn nods, cracking his knuckles.

"Me too," Dominik adds.

"No. You take (Y/n) home. We will handle this, don't worry."


"Dominik, take (Y/n) home. For her safety."

A stressed sigh escapes Dominik's lips as he looks between everyone. Standing up I grab Dominiks outreached hand, walking with him out of the dressing room. Rhea sends me a hopeful look as the door shuts between us. Dominik and I walked together to the parking garage where his car was. He opens my door for me, but I don't get in just yet.

"Will they be okay?" I question him.

"They are some of the best wrestlers (Y/n)," Dominik gently smiles. "Edge doesn't know what is going to hit his doorstep tonight."

"Who knows how he is going to be tonight now that he knows that people are after him."

"Trust me (Y/n), when Rhea is compassionate about something nothing gets in her way. Everything will be okay, I promise you that."


I finally get in his car as the nerves continue to rush through every part of my body, making me worried for my friend. Glancing over at Dominik I watch as he slides into the driver's seat. Taking his inked hand into mine, I ask him, "do you think they really will be okay?"

"Of course (Y/n)," he smiles. "There are a lot of people that wanted to find the stalker. People that wanted to protect you. So our friends aren't the only people that are going to show up on their doorstep, I just know it."

"Who else do you think is going to?"

"I know Seth really likes you as a wrestler, so I know for a fact he will fight for you. Don't worry, okay? All that stress is over now."

"You're right. I'm sorry for doubting our friends, it's just that I think it's our fight. That we should be the ones to show up on the doorstep."

"You are so cute (Y/n), but you are so crippled right now."


"So what now?"

We sit in silence as I trace my thumb on the tattoos on his fingers. Sure I was worried for my friends, but Dominik is right. Why should I be worried for them when they are amazing wrestlers, I mean Rhea is so scary too! There shouldn't be any worry for them, they can pull their own weight. I clear my throat as I look up at Dominik, "I recover from my shoulder, we cheer on our friends at Wrestlemania, and we focus on us."

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