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Beth stares down at me from on top of the ropes, a sickening grin on her lips as the crowd chants her name. My tired eyes look up at her from the mat floor, catching my breath from the beating of the match. Just beyond her, I noticed judgment day chatting among themselves from the win under Finns' belt. All but Rhea, her eyes were trained on our match. Our eyes line up and I see her send me a sad smile, only because she knows the outcome of this match. Everyone knows that Beth is an amazing wrestler. 

I mean come on, it's Beth, a superstar wrestler, versus a newbie. A newbie that has no idea what she is even doing here, against someone with so much credit in the wrestling community. What brought me here to be in this position? 

My eyes move back to Beth as she starts hyping up the crowd with her very beautiful smile. Her face moves to look down at me, getting up to jump down on me. You know what, screw all those sad feelings. This is my moment, and I need to stop forgetting that. Everything that I wanted could be in this fight. 

Her body moves quickly as she plummets down towards me, her elbow coming straight for my stomach. Quickly rolling from her place of connection, Beth hits the ground hard. A hard bang could be heard as her body hits the floor. My body not giving her a cushion to fall on. She groans in pain, cradling her body as she tries to soothe the pain from the force she hit the ground with. Using this to my advantage, I use this moment to get up on the ropes, hearing people cheer me on now with every rope I crawl up on.

Hitting the top rope I now take my turn hyping up the crowd, waving my hands up and down as I look all around me at the audience members. Seeing people's faces look up to me with genuine smiles made me feel my worth. That I am doing the right thing.

Standing fully up on the top of the rope I once again place my finger to my lips, telling the crowd to quiet down. Much to my surprise I watched as people quickly stopped what they were doing, just to stare. They actually listened to the newbie wrestler, what amazing thing is that?

Instead of coming down with a forced elbow to Beths' stomach much like what she tried doing to me, I decided on doing something different. With quick thinking, I use the rope to catch air before I fell down on Beths' curled-up body, hitting her with my full body. 

Sure it hurt but watching Beth curse under her breath from the weight I just forced on her was music to my ears. Finding my feet once again I place my boot lightly against her chest to keep her down. Her eyes look up at me as she tries to catch her breath from the fight we just had to endure. Squatting down to her level I once again place my finger to my lips as the referee counts to three. Sure Beth tried wiggling out from under my foot but the battle caught up with her. Hearing the world three and a slammed hand on the mat from the referee meant I won. Heat rises to my cheeks as I step away from Beth, letting her roll around the ground on the floor.

"Mute wins! nobody saw that coming against the all-powerful Beth!" I hear the commentator shouts, which earned cheers from the crowd. The newbie won for the first time! Beth lost so easily!

A smile comes to my lips as I watch the crowd cheer for me, shouting my name for the first time. I have dreamed of this moment since I could remember, to finally have my moment. It's like my hard work has finally paid off finally.

Just as I was about to walk off the mat I feel someone grab my ponytail and yank me to the ground. My back hits the ground hard, the sound echoing off anything it could reach. Beth lay next to me, still groaning in pain from our match. Meaning that she wasn't the one to challenge me now.

Looking up at the lights of the venue, I see Edge walk over me in my vision. Anger in his eyes as he grabs me by my shirt, forcing me to my feet. He holds me in place by the shoulder, "That woman on the ground is my wife! And nobody beats my wife!"

I could see the audience freak out behind him, not knowing what is going on. So this is bad for me, being put up against Edge is my own funeral. He is my dads favorite, so I know the power that this guy holds. Great.

Edge punches my stomach multiple times before picking my body up like it was nothing. He throws me over his shoulder before slowly crawling up the ropes. I kick and punch him as much as I could, but he doesn't budge. My heart skips a beat as I feel him jump off the tops of the ropes. As much as I tried to cling to his body for cushion, there was no use. Edge moves me so I hit the mat first, then his body toppled over me. Air left my lungs so fast, I tried to breathe so fast before Edge could do something else.

silly me.

My body was thrown over the ropes, out of the mat. The cold cement floor pressed up against my warm skin, soothing me. It felt good. Picking my head up I see Edge peering over the ropes at me, snarling at me as if I was his prey. When in fact I was, he was bigger and stronger than me. There was no way that I was going to defend myself from him. 

As if my cries for help were heard, I felt someone's arms around me. My head was moved in their lap as they wrapped their arm around me in protection. I kept my eyes on Edge, in fear that he would come for me, so I didn't know who was holding me. 

I tear my eyes from Edge just in time to see Rhea slide under the ropes onto the mat with pure grace. Finn and Damian follow her lead, only on opposite sides of the mat to surround Edge. They all stand up to Edge, staring him down with their awesome scary appearance. Words were exchanged, but I couldn't hear them over the sound of the audience going crazy. 

The person holding me helps me to my feet. My body didn't like that due to the unknown beating from Edge. A groan leaves my body as I find Dominik's eyes. He stares down at me with concern, his free hand finding my face.

"It's going to be okay," He says, pulling me down the walkway back to the room to collect my stuff. Glancing over my shoulder I watch as Judgement day follows us, them sending threatening glares over their shoulders to Edge. 

Did Beth just eliminate herself from me just for drama between us? Beth willingly chose to lose to me for her husband to come after me?

What did I just get myself into?

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