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Rheas POV

It was just a dislocated shoulder, nothing more serious that needs heavy surgery. The doctor found me and the guys in the waiting room to tell us the news. Sure it was great news, but I feel like I was the only one wondering about her career. Wrestlemania is in four weeks, who knows how long she is going to recover? She can't push herself to get better for Wrestlemania, which could cause worse things to her body. 

Playing with my necklace I look over at Dominik. His leg was bouncing with anxiety as he stared off over his shoulder. Following where he was looking, I see (Y/n) talking to a nurse about some paperwork. I had to run to her apartment to grab some shorts and a new shirt since the nurses basically cut her wrestling shirt off earlier. Doesn't matter, since she is a part of judgment day she is getting some new stuff. Doctor put the poor girl in a sling, which she absolutely hates. You can see it in her face from here.

"Hey," I say looking back at Dominik.

"Yeah?" He responds, turning to look at me.

"Have you talked to her about anything with the other right? With the, you know?"

"I haven't really talked to her a-"

"Dom, you ghosted her in real life! What a douche move."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it still, plus of..." His eyes move over to Damian who was across the waiting room. Thankfully his nose was in a magazine.

"What about him?"

"He scares me."

"I will handle that, okay? Just make whatever it is with her, right? She doesn't deserve to have her heart played like that. Don't ghost her."

Getting up I walk over to Damian and Finn, "Come on boys, let's head home."

"I think I am going to wait for (Y/n)," Damian says without looking up at me.

"Damian..." I look over at Finn, hoping he would get any hint. Thankfully he gets up, searching his pockets for his set of car keys, mentioning how he would love to go to a bar and grill to watch the basketball game.

Damian finds his feet as he slaps Finn back, "I could eat. Plus it looks like she is still busy with paperwork, only a little visit, okay?"

"Sounds good to me," I shrug. Glancing over my shoulder I see Dominik get up to move over to us, but I slyly swat him to sit down. He gives me a look as he sits back down, unsure on what is happening.

Following Finn, out the door, we follow him toward the parking garage. I held up the back as Damian was in front of me, calling shotgun. A smile comes to my lips as I watch him slide into the passenger seat, sealing his fate for the night.

I get in the backseat, texting (Y/n) a good night text. Thought I know she won't see it till she wakes up from all the pain meds tomorrow that the doctors are going to give her. As Finn backs out of the parking spot and drives towards the exit, Damian looks in the back seat.

'Where is Dominik?" He asks.

"Uh..." I stutter out.

"He took his own car, remember?" Finn responds, referring to the person that got (Y/n) to the hospital so fast. Once the medics at the venue told us that (Y/n) had a dislocated shoulder, Dominik was on the move with the poor girl.

"You did this Rhea, didn't you?" Damian asks me.

"Possibly," I trail out.



"I was trying to act all tough around him about (Y/n) so then he would finally grow up and take charge. It was all a part of my plan."

"And kissing (Y/n) on stage was a part of that plan you speak of?"

"Yes. I knew that it would make him go spiraling, which Rhea you played your part perfectly with sending him (Y/n)'s address. Because if I never kissed her on stage, he wouldn't have had his moment with her at her apartment."

"How exactly did you know that they kissed because I never told you."

"I saw it right away when Dominik wasn't answering my memes on Tik Tok I was sending him. Plus he was leaving the gym when I was entering the day after it happened, with the biggest smile on his face. You can just tell with some people I guess."

"I always thought you liked (Y/n)."

"Trust me (Y/n) is amazing, but she will complement Dominik's life so much more than mine. I can't believe I planned this under your nose Rhea."

"You had me fooled."

"Planned it the first day we met her, Dominik was basically drooling all over her. Like a puppy watching a tennis ball."

"I can't believe you didn't include me in this plan of yours. Usually, I am the matchmaker in these scenarios."

"You played the most important role. I knew you would go into matchmaker mode if you saw me flirting with (Y/n), and Dominik saving her during her match against Beth."


"You're welcome."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I was team Dominik anyways. So it doesn't matter."


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