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Dominik was at my side instantly when I woke up, placing a cup of coffee in my hands. I look up at him with a smile, unsure of how he already knew this was exactly what I wanted. A headache formed due to all the pain meds I took at the hospital last night. He sends me a cheeky smile before walking back to the living room where I hear other people laughing. 

Confused I unwind myself from my blankets, trying not to spill any coffee on my white blankets. I take a few sips as I wander down the hall toward the kitchen. Finn greets me with a floral apron on himself, cooking pancakes over the stove. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty," He greets me with a smile. "You hungry?"

"What time is it?" I ask, placing my coffee cup on the counter.

"Noon," Rhea says from behind me, forcing me to put my sling back on. I shoot her an annoyed look as she tightens it against me, ensuring it doesn't fall off.

"Why did you let me sleep that long?"

"I tried but you were under the influence of meds grandma."

"You hungry?" Finn asks, once again.

"I am....."

"Good, I don't know how long I can last making any more pancakes."

He motions over to the counter on the other side of him, revealing two plates full of pancakes. I pat his shoulder in encouragement as I walk into the living room. Damian was once again on my couch, spread out like he owned the place. Once he sees me walk in he gives me a little spot, tapping it beside him to sit down.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Sore," I shrug. "Could be worse though."

"That's the spirit."

"Now, I need to ask. Why are you guys here?"

"For support, you are a part of Judgement day now and need a good welcome aboard. We were going to surprise you and break in, but seems like you had a companion with you last night to let us sneak in."

"Why do you have to talk like that? I didn't want to be alone last night..."

"You are getting red (Y/n), no need to get all embarrassed with me. I think you guys are the cutest."

He sends me a grin before getting up, and leaving me. I snarl with my lips as he walks away, knowing he probably didn't see my face. Grabbing the remote I find the WWE channel, finding commentators once again talking about the news of the wrestling community.

"With the events of last night, WWE has decided to ban Beth and Edge until further notice. They are disqualified from any match in the future and any chances for Wrestlemania. What they did last night was out of line and unforgivable. Ripley informed us this morning that (Y/n) was diagnosed with a dislocated shoulder. (Y/n) if you are listening we pray for a speedy recovery so you can come back to the ring."

Dominik reaches over the back of the couch to snag the remote from my hands, turning the television off. He mumbles something about no drama today as he places the remote back in my hands. Still leaning over me his head turns towards my neck, letting his lips linger against it. His breath tickles against my neck before he pulls himself away from me once we hear Rhea walking over. 

"We have been waiting all morning to eat (Y/n)," She shakes her head. "So you better get your butt over in the kitchen to make a plate."

"Yes mommy," I joke, getting up.

Rhea grabs my free hand to pull me to my kitchen island, forcing me down in front of a stack of pancakes. She places a fork in my hand before she realizes that my dominant hand was a bit tied up. A weak smile comes to her lips as she starts cutting the pancakes into bite-size pieces for me before putting them back in front of me.

"I feel like a true mother now," She whispers beside me. "My sweet little baby girl."

"What did I just walk into," Damian says as he returns from the bathroom, an odd look on his face as he looks between us.

"(Y/n) is my child now."

"I am not going to question that then"

Even though I didn't say anything it felt nice to have everyone here with me today. Things as easy as eating are going to be a challenge for me. I didn't have to say anything, I think they all knew it. From making me coffee to just keeping me thinking about other things, to cooking me breakfast, everything seemed to be so good for me.

"Thank you," I whisper, not knowing who I wanted to say it to more.

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