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As much as I hated to admit it, I like seeing myself in a dress. Only because I always dress in tactical gear or band tees. So jumping from a black band tee to a dark purple dress is a huge jump for me, something people hardly ever see. Rhea stands next to me, dressed in her usual attire. Why am I in a dress? Well, I am going to be facing the audience for the first time after my last appearance. This is the first time everyone is going to see me with all the secrets of Dominik and me too.

Dominik and I have been ignoring the stalker, trying to keep ourselves composed over the fact it could be anyone. All we had been focusing on was each other, enjoying each other's company while I continued to attempt to heal. My physical therapist said it will probably be a while until it is fully healed. Meaning I had to have a tough decision to make for my career. 

"What is happening tonight?" Rhea asks, unsure of why I was even here again. Even when I told her many times last night on the phone.

"After Roman Reigns and whoever wrestles they are having a meeting with me about my shoulder and everything," I shrug. "It's so the audience gets caught up on my healing process."

"Oh yeah, you had physical therapy today. How did that go? Still wearing the sling I see."

"Go find your seat sassy, you will find out then."

"Don't give me attitude. I am your mother, remember who cut up your pancakes for you?"

"Go away."

She giggles as she listens to me, leaving me alone. A nervous sigh escapes my lips as I look around for Dominik, not knowing where he was. He hasn't messaged me all day.


Walking into the ring was a bit nerve-wracking. Only for two factors. One, the last time I was here I was injured badly. Two, most of these people know my little secret with Dominik.

As I walk up the steps into the ring I hear the cheers of the people in the audience. In the ring I was met with two chairs, one for me and the commentator. This was the same guy I watch on Tv, I know for a fact he like me as a wrestler. So that makes me feel a little better about my situation. He hands me a microphone with a smile. 

"Mute," he shakes my hand as I take a seat. "It's such a pleasure to meet you in the flesh. I'm usually the loser to only get to watch you on TV."

"Well thank you," I respond, not knowing how I should respond to that.

"So we wanted to know how you are feeling? How is the recovery going?"

"Well at first I was having a hard time with daily tasks, like eating and opening things. But during that time I have had some really great friends to help my dark days a little brighter."

A picture of all of Judgement day eating pancakes the first morning after my injury popped up on the screen. It was just after I finished eating, Damian quickly snapped a pic just as Rhea slapped Finns' face with whipped cream. In the picture, Dominik was laughing at them and I was pointing at the camera like I was caught doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.

"Well isn't that the cutest thing in the world," the commentator says, turning to the crowd. 

"I don't know where I would be mentally today if I didn't have them," I shrug.

The lights flicker, making me look around cautiously. Pictures continued to fill the screens of me and Dominik, making heat rise to my cheeks. It was pictures of us whenever we would hang out, even cringy ones that should never see the light of day. What is happening?

"As everyone knows there was an Instagram account," A voice booms around the arena. "It highlights the relationship between these two individuals, in ways that should be contacted by the police. Whoever is in charge of this account is going to be getting unhappy messages soon, once we find you. That is beside the point of why I, Damian, am crashing this interview. I am here to inform the stalker that their time is limited, we are going to find you and deal with you in an unhappy manner."

The lights flicker once again as the screens stop showing pictures of Dominik and me. Expecting the lights to go on again so I can go back to my interview, yet they don't. A spotlight shines on the entry where I just came from, Dominik comes out and starts walking toward the ring. He was dressed in slacks and a black collared shirt, but the first few buttons were popped open. A purple bandana hangs from the back pocket, I notice it as he walks into the ring. 

"So I have this problem guys," He says into the microphone. "I really like this girl, but I am not sure if she likes me back. What should I do? Shoot my shot?"

People whistle and cheer in response, making him instantly turn around to look at me.

He reaches his hand out to me as he stands in front of me. I grab it out of confusion, unsure of what is happening. A gasp escapes my mouth as he dips me once again, pressing his lips against mine. My hands hold onto him tightly, sending me flashbacks of the first night we kissed.

"I would never drop you," He whispers into my ear before bringing me back to my feet.

A coarse of cheers could be heard as the lights come back on, revealing the blushing mess I was hiding. He sends me a reassuring smile as he turns to the crowd, "Whoever outed our little secret is going to pay for what you did. Nobody messes with me or my girl. Okay? What happens out of this ring is none of your business. So either you come clean to me or you stay hidden until my friends just beyond these walls find you. Okay?"

People yelled in agreement as Dominik spoke. I find my seat as Dominik spoke, hoping we find the stalker soon. My address is seconds away from being released from them and that doesn't make me too happy. 

"Sorry man," Dominik whispers to the commentator, apologizing for crashing the interview.

"No worries," He responds with a nod. "I think it was needed."

Dominik places a kiss on my cheek before exiting the ring, leaving me back to my interview.

"So you and Dominik?" he says finally.

"Yup," I shrug. "He is the main reason I haven't gone crazy with this dislocated shoulder. He is the person I lean on for support when I can't open something."

"Quite adorable if I have to say. Talking about your shoulder again, I must ask. With Wrestlemania coming up in two weeks, will you be ready to wrestle again?"

Standing up, I pace in front of the commentator, making him feel uneasy. "I am so glad you asked. I just met with my physical therapist this morning, and I have some pretty bad news. My road to recovery is going to be longer than what I was hoping for. Being this is my first year wrestling I was hoping to wrestle my spot at Wrestlemania."

"But you can't? What are you going to do?"

"I've had to make a hard decision."


"I decided to give my spot to someone that has shaped me into the wrestler I am today. The person that has been at my side before I was nothing. Rhea Ripley is going to be taking my spot at Wrestlemania, that is my final decision."

"A great decision if I ever heard of one."

"She is such a hard worker and such a great friend, I wouldn't give it to anyone else."

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