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I place a cold icepack on my shoulder as I play my match once again on the television in front of me, watching as I see myself confidently defeating an amazing wrestler. All by myself if I may add. The woman on that stage was so afraid moments earlier, something people in the audience didn't know at that moment. But once Edge come on stage everything went wrong. My butt was smoked against him, I never felt more humiliated in my life. So worthless in my life.

Watching as Judgement day comes sprinting over from their match to help me was something I never would have ever imagined. From the amazing slide onto the mat from Rhea to Dominik coming straight for me. 

The only issue is that the whole community is eating this up. The drama of Mute, Judgement day, and Edge. Clips of Rhea being the psycho mami to save the day filled my Tik Tok feed. Even getting tagged in fan art of me being a part of judgment day. Videos of Dominik running straight for me instead of helping his team were sent to me by many people.

More than what id like to admit, watching Dominik protect me and ensure I was safe really touched my heart. There was something about how he chose to come to me first that made my heart skip a beat or two. All he needed to do was walk in front of Edge, instead, he came to comfort my aching body. To put my needs first over the dramatic feel of squaring up to Edge with his crewmates. 

Once I walked out of the venue with Dominik the medics grabbed me first, bringing me to ensure everything is intact on my body. Then I was shoved to the interviews where I was asked so many questions. Across the room, I would catch Dominik's eyes as he was also stuck talking to the interviewers. In the midst of everything I lost sight of him when many other people came to ask me questions.

So here we are, two days later. Soothing the bruises, that was now visible on my skin, showing off my hard battle nights prior. My battle bruises as people would call them. 

Ringing from my phone causes me to look away from the screen that my eyes have been trained on for a while. Picking it up I place it to my ear, "Hello?"

"Geez," I hear. "Someone doesn't sound so good."

"Who is this?"

"Rhea, silly. I got your number from, well never mind that."

"Oh, what can I do for you on this fine morning?"

"Can I come over, I don't know what rats are around here, listening to the secrets I am going to tell you. I Will bring you coffee, then I can tell you what is going on."

"Plus donuts and you got yourself a deal, M'lady."

"Ugh, fine." 

"I will text you my address."

"No worries, I also got that too."

"Stalker much?"

Rhea ended the call before she could respond to my hanging question. Getting up I look around my apartment, picking up a few loose items and placing them back in their place. Something about me is that I hate messy places, plus it helps me with sudden visits from people. Much like this very moment.

Passing the bathroom mirror I ensure I look presentable for Rhea, being we have only seen each other once. She is my idol so I don't want her to think I am weird in any way, no matter how much I really am. Let's keep that a little secret till a while later. A knock on my door perked up at my ears, meaning Rhea knew she was coming already so she was probably already on her way to my apartment. That girl.

Opening the door I find Rhea and a bag of donuts, accompanied by a big smile. She was just as beautiful right now as she is on stage. I wish I was her, who wouldn't though? The bag of donuts gets shoved in my hands as Rhea enters my apartment, twirling around to get a good look at the place.

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