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Rhea was jumping for joy when she read the news about Beth and Edge. Whereas I was fearing the things they were going to fill their free time with. All of their social media pages stayed silent, so I am not even sure what to expect. Part of me hopes that they were at home making a good dinner for themselves, while the other part wonders if they hired an assassin for me.

Once Finn filled me with enough pancakes he cleaned my whole kitchen for me, even things he never even touches. Rhea took charge of changing all my bedding and cleaning my windows. Damian was in charge of the living room and moving any obstacles that I would come across. Dominik was making sure my coffee cup was full and that I was distracted.

I am fully aware of what they were doing. They assumed that I cannot do any tasks while I was dealing with my dislocated shoulder. It was actually adorable, only because I know I can do some things on my own. Although I am not going to complain about free kitchen cleaning, Finn does an amazing job at it.

It all happened when we finished eating. Rhea mentioned how there was no more coffee left in the house, so she insisted on leaving to go get some. But then Dominik piped up and mentioned how he and I should go. Once out of the house and getting coffee from the market from across town I was suspicious of when he kept delaying us going back to my apartment. I won my way when I gave him my best puppy dog look, which made him crumble quickly.

Walking in on Finn sweeping the floor and Rhea trying to find my washer made me realize that they all had planned this out under my nose. Turns out I didn't even need coffee, Rhea just hid it so I would leave to go get some. Using my own weakness of coffee against me.  I should have been mad at them, but it was such a sweet gesture.

Rhea drew me a warm bath before she left for the day, saying she was going to go work out. She made sure there were enough bubbles to possibly drown me. I didn't care, I slid into the scalding water with no problem. The other boys left, saying that they had other things to do. Something about an interview or something.

As much as I hated to admit it, my shoulder was killing me. I didn't want to annoy the others with my pain, they already have done so much for me. Plus there wasn't anything that they can do for me unless they cut off my whole shoulder. That would only cause more problems though. All I can do is take my medication and wait till a physical therapist contacts me. Time is the worst in situations like this. The burning of the water felt nothing like the pain in my shoulder.

After what seemed like an eternity I peeled myself out of the tub, wrapping a towel around myself. Walking to my bedroom I find a pair of shorts and an Ice Nine Kills shirt to change into. As much as I wanted to drown in my bed right now, I decided to drown on the couch instead. It was still fairly light out so it would be a little lame to go to bed now. Even though I have nothing else to do with my life now.

Clicking onto a Marvel movie I curl up with a blanket that Damina draped over the back of the couch. Laying on my good side I admire the TV as the movie started to play, attempting to distract me from the pain that continued to dance across my shoulder. Out of frustration, I get up, heading towards the section of the counter Finn called the 'drug corner'. Finding the highest of pain meds I attempt to open the cap, but with my non-dominate hand, there was no use. Trying multiple times I try to open the bottle, but no give.

In a tear-filled rage, I throw the bottle across the room before I find my way to the ground. Leaning up against the kitchen cabinets I try to keep in my emotions, but there was no use. Burying my face in my arms I just let the tear-fill rage out. Tears fell against my arms but I didn't care. There is no denying it that I am weak, I can't even open a silly little pill bottle. I'm never going to recover from this and go back to who I was before, I just know it. That is how my luck is going to give me. 

After what felt like an eternity I realize I must have fallen asleep in that position. Picking my head up I see that the sun has set. Without realizing it, I do a full-body stretch. A whimper escapes my lips as I realize my mistake. Pain once again shoots up and down my body as it reminds me of the dried tears on my face.

A knock on my door makes me wonder if that woke me up. Cautiously I find my feet, making sure to not disturb my shoulder anymore. Opening the door I find Dominik staring back at me, a cheeky grin on his face. That soon drops once he sees the ugly state I was in.

"What happened," he asks.

"Me," I shrug, finding my spot back on the floor in the kitchen. He shuts the door behind him before he finds a spot on the floor beside me on my good side. His hand finds my thigh as we sit in silence, all before his eyes land on the pill bottle all the way across the room.

"Seems like you need me around more than I thought," he jokes.

"Please," I whisper.

"Anything you need."

I lay my head on his shoulder as we once again find peace in the silence. Warmth from his body makes me feel a sense of relief, knowing that he is there if I need him. It was reassuring.

"But is there any way you could open that," I pick my head back up, knowing I probably should take a few pills before the unbearable pain comes back.

"Of course," He says getting up to retrieve the bottle for me.

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