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Mercia was meant to be rebulbing herself, but instead she was dying from the inside. Sadly, Lord Aethelred had become bed ridden, bleeding form his head, while priest preformed the final rights. In due time, Uhtred and Lady Aethelflaed had arrived inserting themselves in the conversation about Mercia's succession. The Eldoramen had been fighting each other with words for hours about who would take the throne. They kept in mind that Aelfwynn was the child of their Lord, and that most of the suitable Eldoramen had been killed in battle. But at the same time, King Edward had also gave his words about the succession. What was clear, was that the alliance between Wessex and Mercia needed to stand strong, but it was proving difficult because of decisions made by Edward.

In the throne hall, the Ealdormen only talked in circles around each other, never coming to an agreement. Some thought the bond between the two lands must stand, but some not. And others seemed to only speak for their own greed and gain. Aldhelm tried to remined all about how grave the situation was, calming down the screaming. It did not work, however, as all of the Lords departed split minded.

Lady Aethelflaed, Uhtred, and Aldehlm all still remind in the empty hall, huffing in frustration. Soon, the children of Alfred finally meant each other, both conflicted about what to do "Brother, you have heard of my husband's injury?" Aethelflaed approached.

"Yes I've seen him." Edward walked towards the others, "Should he die, what are the plans for the succession?"

"It is not clear. The Ealdormen are much diminished." Aethelflaed stated now facing her brother and his advisors in a closed circle.

"There is talks of a break from Wessex." Uhtred stated plainly, "They wish to abandon the alliance between Wessex and Mercia, as they feel you have abandoned them."

"That can not happen." the king said unmoved, "If Tettenhall had taught us anything, it is that the two kingdoms stand stronger when they are together."

"I know--" the Lady began to speak.

Edward raised his finger pointing to his sister, "I cannot preside over the breaking of our alliance, and I will not allow the fracturing of our father's dream!" he paused taking a breath, "We will betroth the Lady Aelfwynn to the successor and seal the bond between our lands. In return for the strength she'll bring to their claim in Mercia, we will ask they are loyal to Wessex."

"I agree with the idea but it is not that simple." she answered quickly.

"The best of the young Ealdormen have been slaughtered, there's no one suitable." Uhtred restated the lady's words.

"Then we will find someone suitable." the King simply explained.

"Lord king, the men who remain are not well disposed to you." Aldhelm butted in, "There's no obvious choice."

"Where is the Lady Aelfwynn now?" the King questioned.

"Safe at Saltwic with my men." Uhtred explained.

"Then bring her here and we will settle the matter."

"No! We will settle the matter and then we will bring her here.", Aethelflaed huffed, "Aegelesburg is volatile."

"Surely it is best if she wis with her family." Edward argued back.

"She to young to use as bait." the Dane snarked.

Edward shot his head to Uhtred at the comment. How dare he defy the King's ideas, in such a way. While they had their stare down, the Lady held her calm tone, "Find me the right suitor and we will make haste to arrange a match. I promise you brother, this alliance means as much to me as it dose to you."

He nodded his head, "Bring the Eldormen to me." Edward directed Father Prylig, "Have no fear, I will resolve this." Hastily, Edward walked out of the chamber, leaving the remaining three.

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