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Two days had gone by, and Aethelflaed had stabled for the most part. Her condition had not worsened, yet at the same time it had not gotten any better. Eadith and Saehild urged the lady to stay in bed and rest, but she had grown tried of laying down all day. On the outsides of her chamber, the silent word of her health was starting to spread throughout the town. Ealdormen heard whispers of the situation, but would not speak it out loud. On the inside of the palace, Aelswith tired to keep Aelfwynn at her side, but the girl would slip away and sit with her own thought. In short time, she would become the leader of Mercia, following her mother's legacy.

Meanwhile, Lord Aldhelm and Lady Saehild roamed the streets and the palace, trying to keep order, until things were delt with. There need not be panic, yet. Lady Saehild was taking her new position, helping guard and watch over the royal family. While patrolling outside, the gate was opened without her knowledge, angering her greatly. The men in the Mercian army had not taken lightly, to her promotion. Many thought her too young and too Dane, to be commander of an army. She was trying her best to keep her head up, but the ignorance was starting to be too much. Barely any of them took the orders. Some of the younger soldiers did, but the elders kept brushing Saehild off like she was an outsider. She'd train twice as hard, as any of them, to even prove that she was worthy of having a place in the Mercian army.

Quickly, she ran from the second floor of the palace, and went to see who had come, "Lord Uhtred!?" Saehild exclaimed, running down the stairs.

"Where is she?" he asked urgently dismounting his horse.

"In her chamber." she answered back. 

Swiftly, Uhtred entered the palace moving with the air. There was no need for greetings, Saehild could already tell that the lord knew what was happening. Still, she sighed happily seeing all five men alive and well, word had traveled that victory was won in Eoferwic. With a smile of relief, she hugged and welcomed each of the men, also glad that they were here in a time of need. Osferth could tell by her face, that Saehild had been through much in the pass week. Seeing them, and being with familiars is what she needed.

Saehild stood to face the everyone, "How was the battle?"

"Eoferwic was taken back, and Stiorra is safe." Sihtric answered in a quiet tone.

"And what of Brida?" Saehild asked but no one responded. All seemed to hang their heads low at the question, "Erm, well I am sure you know where the ale houses are by now." she joked lightening the mood, making Finan giggle.

Swiftly, Saehild waved over some men to stable the horses, they needed to be rested after such a journey. But instead  the soldiers scoffed at her, "I will not take orders from a woman, let alone a Dane." Saehild let out a frustrated sigh, as they laughed.

"Oi!", Finan shouted, "She asked you kindly to do a task. And now I'm asking you not so kindly." he scowled.

The two Mercian soldiers reluctantly took the request and stabled the horses, not without showing attitude. The little Mercian soften her face to Finan, she was grateful for his help, but she needed to be stronger. For her mother, she needed to be stronger.

"Go on, rest." Saehild flashed a smile.

Patting her shoulder, the Irishman, the Dane, and warrior monk, started walking over to the nearest ale house for some much needed drinks and food. It was Aethelstan who stood back for a moment, standing beside the lady. She looked up to his face, seeing some blood still left in his hairline. The high of battle was always blinding in the moment, but when it starts to fade, it was isolating.

"How did you like your first taste of battle?" she hesitated to say.

"I let my skill prevail me." he simple answered, repeating her words.

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