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Almost like it became routine, the party slept exposed to the elements, then woke at day break to continue. The children rested well, knowing that they had protection surrounding them all night. In the morning, this time, the children were awoken quietly by Uhtred and Eadith. When they opened their eyes, immediately the two pointed to the sleeping Finan. As if they had been up for hours, the little ones tip-toed up the rocks out from the water fall, planning on how to wake him. It was his turn to be rudely interrupted, from a nice slumber. Circling around the peaceful Irishman, Saehild grinned to Aethelstan and Aelfwynn before all three jumped on top of him. He woke in a fright, trying to go for his weapons, but his arms were pinned down.

"Oh you think this is funny huh?" he snarked as the children stood up.

All nodded their heads laughing at their own joke. They weren't the only ones laughing, everyone else stood around covering their mouths to contain the laughter. Was it a unwanted wake up call, maybe, but it made a smile spread across faces, and that's what mattered. By now Saehild had learned that even in such a situation, one most always have a laugh.


Soon, the party was off again. The goal was to make it as close as they could to Caester, and move back into a more open space. The woods were a good cover, but clearly the Mercian guards thought the same. In the back of her mind, Saehild tried to clam herself down knowing that the guards could be close behind. Not only for her, but also for the Lady Aethelflaed and her father. By now the pair must have been half way to the meeting spot, but it seemed Mercia was determined to catch them. The situation was looking grim, Aelfywnn was not getting any better, causing Uhtred to carry her for most of the journey. She had brief moments of energy, but the rocky terrain was to dangerous for her to scale. At this point everyone could tell she was falling ill. With everything against them, the party had reach an actual path. A good sign, they could reach a actual town and hopefully get Aelfwynn help.

Holding on to Sihtric's hand, Saehild walked behind Aelfywwn with solemn eyes, "Will Aelfywnn be better soon?" she looked up and asked.

Truly, he did not know how to answer, "When we arrive to Caester, she can rest and get better." he smiled to her, to which she smiled back. That was all they need to do, make it to Caester and all would be well.

"Horses?" Uhtred turned his head around at the sound of hooves. He saw what he never wanted to see, the Mercian guard yards away, "Head over that ridge! Go!"

Handing the bag to Osferth, Sihtric took Aethelstan and Saehild hand's and ran as fast as he could. Uhtred kept shouting words to his men but everyone was in too much of a panic to hear. Not watching her footing, Saehild tripped over her dress falling to the ground. She squealed and let go of Sihtric's hand to catch her fall. Quickly, Osferth picked her up, breathily saying, "I got you" as they kept running. They ran as fast as the could, but on horse back, the men were catching up very quickly. The only thing on Saehild's mind was to run and don't stop. Sihtric and Finan went ahead to clear the path for them to continue, but instantly stopped their feet.

"It's the sickness! Stay back!" Finan shouted, halting the rest.

They were trapped. On one side was the Mercian Guard, and the other was a lake filled of people who had died of the sickness. There was no escape. Eadith held the children back, not wanting them to get close to the lake. In a rush Osferth moved back to face the men, grabbing on to Saehild's hand pulling her slightly behind him, and readying his sword in the other. Likewise, everyone did the same, Finan and Sihtric hid the small boy monk, while Eadith hid Aelfwynn behind her. It was Uhtred to stand in front of all of them. Yes, it was Aelfwynn they wanted but that would have to go through the Goddless first.

"Give me Lady Aelfwynn and you all be speared." Eardwulf simply explained, closing them in, "Stay your Weapon!" Right on command, his men released the arrows, knocking Uhtred and his men a step back. Watching the arrows nearly hit her, Saehild gasped bumping into Osferth, he put his arm around her pushing her to stay in-between him and young Uhtred. "My men won't miss next time."

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