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It was a quiet night in Aegelesbrug. The town's people slept soundly, while the palace tried. Saehild herself did not sleep much, with her mind running with every thought one could have. The Lady still pondered about Aethelstan's new station. There was no argument against Aethelstan's skill, but a position of that responsibility was always giving to a seasoned warrior, not a boy. On the contrary, Saehild had not seen him fight with her own eyes. If he had beaten Edward's man to a pulp, and only come out with a few of scratches, he had to be good. The men had orders to kill, and he survived. But only time would tell if he could gain her trust. To distract herself from the nonstop thoughts, Saehild had stayed up throughout the night looking through all of the extra chainmail trying to find the finest ones. Most of them were wore out, seeing much battle in those days.


"Here." Saehild plopped down what she had gathered on the bed waking Aethelstan up, "Chainmail and a breast plate. The only ones I could find was from Aethelred's old guard. Sorry."

Aethelstan rubbed his eyes before he brushed his fingers over the boar that was Aethelred's family seal, "It's fine. Thank you."

"And here's this." she extended her arm, giving him a green cloak. Aethelstan examined the cloak weary for any cuts or hole. When he saw none, he throw it around his body to see if it fit, "Hmm, Mercian green looks good on you." Saehild complemented. Not only was she admiring the cloak, but she was also admiring how the tunic that he slept in, was lose fitting and exposed some of his chest. Training as a warrior really did pay off.

"Why did you rouse me? The sun has barely risen." Aethelstan rubbed his tired eyes.

"If you are to be the new leader of the Mercian Guard, then you must act like it." Saehild broke her thought, "You should have been up hours ago with the others." she teased.

"Well, thank you for the clothes, and for waking me." Aethelstan said with a hint of sarcasm.

Saehild turned on her heel walking out the door, that she left open. But before stepping out she remembered something, "Oh, do I have to talk you "Lord" now?"

"Only if you wish." Aethelstan said in a froggy voice.

"Good, because I do not wish." Saehild halved joked. Happily smiling at her own joke, she again twisted on her heels and left, never minding the open door, "Make haste!" she shouted from the hall.


Swiftly, Saehild left Aethelstan to change so that he may join his guard. Unlike him, she had already started her day. There was still much to sort out since Edward took the throne, and the men were growing antsy. Reluctantly, she was trying to make good of the situation that had been thrust upon her. Still in her heart, she wanted to leave Aegelesbrug. There was nothing left for them here. The only thing holding her back was her father, being his second-in-command, and his child, Saehild would not abandon him. Returning to the courtyard, she noticed that the gate had been open, with a band with a cart was coming through. No one was sent for, to her knowledge.

"News from Rumcofa!" a man shouted.

"Fetch the guard!" another said.

Instantly, Saehild heart started pounding. Had something happen to her friend's--her family? As a guard stopped Aldhelm in his tracks and redirected him to see what was happening, concerned Aldhelm waved down Saehild to join him. Walking up to the cart, the men held there head low and did not say anything.

"What is it?" Aldhelm urged.

"We bring grave news, Lord. The so called visionary that was slaughtered.", one said quite enough just for them to hear. He lifted the sheet to revile a pale and cold Queen Aelflaed. The Queen of Wessex was dead. Saehild held her mouth slightly open shocked at the act. Who would have cause to kill the Queen. "This is the work of Sigtryggr. An uprising occurred in Rumcofa, where many were killed. Saxon and Dane alike."

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