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There was something interesting about being with Uhtred and his men. They were always laughing and making joke, but it was something that Saehild appreciated. There was never much laughing most days, there were small chuckles here and there, but there was there was never much joy like this. Most days, the children would sit around and learn scripture with the same routine every day. Being with this group on the road, somewhat made Saehild excited. The reason why they had to flee was a heavy one, yet in a way it gave the chance for the children to see life outside those walls.

"I'm not eating that." Finan scoffed at Sihtric as he tried to hand him some bread.

"--Come on, it just a bit stale." he joked.

"That bread is so stale, it'll take a tooth out!" Finan threw back.

"Leave the fresher bread for the children." Uhtred instructed.

To which they did, the three smaller children had shared a small soft loaf that Storria helped break up for them. She now sat in the cart, making it crowed, watching over the little ones. With the tiny cart, Saehild began to grow claustrophobic, with her sticking her head and arms out next to Osferth to get some fresh air, as she was staring to become restless.

"My men have the stomachs of dogs." Lord Uhtred explained to Eadith.

"That's very true." Osferth recall for all to hear, "In fact I once ate a dog." hearing that, Saehild made a disgusted look to monk making vomiting noises at him. Dogs were pets to her, eating them was not appetizing at all.

Finan laughed lightly at the baby monk, "I always said you were barking."

Without warning, two people attacked the back of the cart, causing Storria to let out a high pitched scream. The wanders snatched the bread, scaring the children, "No! No! Father!" Storria cried.

"Go back!" a man yelled stepping in front of the road, "The road is closed!"

The party came to a halt confused, while Storria fought for her bread behind. Immediately, Osferth jumped out of the cart, telling Saehild to stay inside. Turing around, she grabbed on to Aelfywnn making sure she was alright, the princess was startled but fine. Altered, Lord Uhterd came around drawing his sword to protect his child. Straight way, Finan and Sihtric went to investigate what was happening, but they were appalled by what they saw. Men half dead, implied by wooden spikes, a warning for others to not pass. It was very cruel way to die, a slow painful death.

"Stay back!" Finan urged running back to the band, "Lord stay back! Its the sickness! They're dying of the sickness!"

The three little ones, climbed to the front to see what was happening, hearing Finan panic. Curiously, Saehild sat between Aethelstan and Aeflwynn looking all around them. They watched as the Irishman frantically, washed Storria's hand with water, grunting in frustration. In his state, he thought of every precaution they needed to take, he even thought about killing the horses. The sickness was spread bad the air, and right now they were in the thick of it. The strongest warriors Saehild had ever met, where now struck by terror. Finan suggested that they travel back to Aegelesbrug, but it was to much of a risk, Edward would surly catch them. Lord Uhtred, however, suggested that they travel by foot, and avoid the bad air. In the panic of the conversation, Saehild saw Sihtric mumble something, in response Finan argued that they leave the children. This made Saehild swallow hard, she had never seen the sickness before. And by the looks of it, it was horrible and scary.

"I will not leave the children!" Uhtred scoffed back. Still Finan pleaded with him that they act quickly, for the safety of their lives. Luckily, Uhtred was there to reassure them, that they would be fine as long as they avoided the bad air.

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