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As night fell, Aethelflaed and her party had made their way to the gates of Aegelesbrug. The ride to the town had been a quite one, it seemed that everyone was in a shock of sadness. Aethelflaed led the party riding solo, with Aldhelm close behind. He thought it be good for the lady to have a moment to herself to collet her thoughts. She had lost her daughter without having the chance to say her good bye, a mother's worst fear. This whole ordeal had been about how the future of Mercia would be dealt with, it was never meant to end in the death of the a child, let alone the heir to Mercia. The situation was no longer about what King Edward wanted, a mother and daughter were torn from each other spiritualty and psychically, and now it was time to come back to reality.

Aethelflaed tried to keep her tears and emotions at bay, only allowing a few tears to drop from her eyes. Her child was gone, it was the greatest pain that she had ever felt. The only thing she could do now was make sure that Aelfwynn was sent to god, and rested peacefully.

Approaching the gate, Edward's men meant them before any could enter, "Cenric, stand down your men." she begged.

"Lady I cannot." he looked to her, "The King forbids it."

"I am told this is where my daughter's body is." she said in a calm tone, "This is where your king has led us! Cenric, please, in the name of Alfred, open the gates and stand down your men." she inhale sharply.

A pause was held before Cenric nodded to the lady and let them pass, "Open the gate!"

Dismounting her horse, Aethelfaed couldn't hold her tears any longer. Meeting her at the bottom of the steps, was her mother, Lady Aleswith,  reaching out her arms, "Oh, my dearest girl, you've come home."

"Aelfwynn is dead!" she cried.

"No child." Aleswith squeezed her hands, "A miracle had occurred and you are mistaken in your heartbreak."

Gasping, Aethelflead let go of her hands and ran into the palace. If there was any chance that she was misinformed, and Aelfwynn was alive, there was no time to waste. She climbed to the top floor, with each step growing more and more anxious. Stumbling into the hall way, Eadith greeted the Lady and immediately brought her to the chamber. Walking in, Aethelflaed saw her daughter sleeping peacefully on the bed. A wave of relief and happiness washed over her. Climbing onto the bed, next to her, she placed a kiss to Aelfwynn's forehead sniffling back her tears, wakening the child softly.


Aelfwynn reached out her arms to her mother, to which she gladly accepted. The ladies Eadith and Aleswith watched the sweet reunion, warming their hearts. The small girl was still somewhat pale, but her breathing had steady, and her fever had broke. None of the healers knew what had heal her, they had given her so many positions. But none of them could deny that the herb provide by Saehild did not help. After the mixed water was placed upon her lips, the fever started to cool immediately.

Lady Aethelflaed held her child for a moment before turning to her mother and Lady Eadith, "Where is Saehild?" Aethelflaed whispered to Eadith.

"She is fine." Eadith reassessed, "I was just helping her dress, and ready for bed."

The Lady smiled and sighed at the news, "Would you mind telling Lord Aldhelm about her where abouts?"

"Yes lady." she bowed.


Walking out of the room, Eadith notified the handmaiden to finish readying Saehild and bring her to the hall. Heading outside, she quickly found the Lord near the stables with the others, "Lord Aldhelm!" she called.

At the call, Aldhelm turned his head to the lady. Gulping, he moved towards Eadith with his head down, "Is Lady Aelfwynn--" he could not say it.

"She is alive and well." Eadith clamed him, "And so is your daughter." she said in a quieter tone.

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