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It had been a few days on the road, but they were finally only a short ride away from Rumcofa. With the season of Blood month, the Queen of Mercia and the Lord of Rumcofa, agreed upon a visit from the lady and her household. The cold winter air did not help the long journey from Aegelesbrug. Although, she had many layers on to keep her warmth, Saehild could not wait for the bitter winds to end and the flowers to spring again. Yet still, she was somewhat glad to be travelling to the Pagan town. They were always cooped up in the castle, and it was nice to see more of the land she called home. However, she couldn't say the same for all, Aelfwynn kept talking about how happy she would be once they return to Aegelesbrug, and her warm bed.

Wearing a dull dark blue dress, embroidered with golden patterns, a Mercian green cloak (that used to be Aldhelm's), and of course her knife attached to her belt, Saehild tried to stay calm while the party stopped at a marker, for Aethelflaed to say a quick prayer. Without continuously moving, the chill felt greater. Luckily, Saehild had her hair in a half up half down style, with hair rings holding two sections on the top of her head, then combing into one single braid. The hair covered the tips of her ears bringing a little comfort. Even with the extra warmth, Saehild could beardly hear the queen's pray, with her behind. Holding onto Aelfwynn's clean white horse bearing the Lady of the Mercains seal, next to her Mercain soldier one, the lady exhaled watching her own breath in the air. Dismounting her own animal, Aelswith softly cleared her throat, causing Saehild to stop on pull her chin down, embarrassed.

"Keep at your right hand the souls of kings. Alfred, know was the Wise, and Aethelred of Mercia. Bless my daughter, Aelfwynn of Mercia. May she learn how to resist temptation." Aethelflaed raised her eyebrow. Aelfwynn sucked in her lips at the words trying not to react, "I pray for my brother, the King of Wessex. Guide him well and hear my entreaty on behalf of my mother, Aelswith, wife to Alfred,"

"Why are you praying for me?", Aelswith interrupted, "What do you think is wrong with me?"

"I do not think anything is wrong with you. I--"

"Dose it look white?" she cut her off sticking out her togue. Over hearing, Saehild held in her laugh.

"No, mother, It looks quite normal."

Lady Aelswith looks over the land with a stone face, while Aelfwynn stood brushing the drift off her dress, "This breeze will stiffen my neck. Lord knows what ailments lurk within Rumcofa."

"Perhaps we should return to Aegelesbrug?" Aelfwynn suggested hugging her grandmother.

Saehild scoffed slightly. This trip was already seeming to be overly long, hearing complaints nonstop. Over the years, she had grown fond of the Lady Aelswith, she has always treated her with respected and dignity. After recovering from her illness, Aelswith travelled with Aethelflaed and moved to Aegelesbrug to be with her family, and away from Aethelhelm. It was nice for her to be back in Mercia after so long, she had not lived there since she married Alfred. It was a pleasure being able to see Aelfwynn and Aethelflaed everyday, and she loved being back in the land of her birth. Going to Rumcofa, didn't settle well with Aelswith, however. It was a Pagan town, in the middle of no where. And with the winter chill, the only thing that excited her was seeing her grandson.

"Uh, the Lord wants us in Rumcofa for festival." Aethelflaed explained.

"Which Lord?" Aelfwynn squinted her eyes, "Lord Uhtred?"

Hearing Aelfwynn approach, the two girls locked eyes, giggling under their breath. While Aelfwynn took a moment to pet the animal, Saehild rolled her eyes. How could she say such a thing to her mother, in front of everyone. But she did have to admit it was a little funny. Hopping back onto her horse, Saehild threw the rains back to her sister causing her to squeal.

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