I beg of you (short story I)

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Times in Mercia were calming for the moment, to which the people were very grateful for. However, behind closed doors of the royal fortress, there was much to be discussed and much action to be taken. For the queen, and her most trusted advisor, their minds wondered to one topic that seemed to never leave their minds. Lately, the witan had been questioning Lord Aldhelm's daughter's legitimacy. Not only to Aldhelm himself, but also to what here place was in Mercian noble society. When Aethelflaed took the throne, one of her top priorities was to make sure that Saehild would be safe within noble society, and had the respect that came with such tittles. The task was proving to be harder then she had thought. After returning to Aegelesburg, from gaining back Winchester, word began to spread about Saehild's parentage. Most of the ealdormen could forgo that she was a bastard, Lord Aldhelm had proven his loyalty to Mercia for many year, but the fact that she was half-Dane, it made them question all they knew.

Both the Lady and Lord knew the curl ways of the witan, if they could not secure Saehild's status, they would come for the child wanting to rid her of their history. In a way however, no matter how hard they would try, she was the daughter of one of the most influential lords in all of Mercia. To rid the little Mercian from history was to erase Lord Aldhelm too.

** **

Late into a spring night, Lady Aethelflaed and Lord Aldhelm, sat together in the lady's study leaned over a table, with papers scattered all over. This scene was not knew to them, often after a long day of duties the two would sit tighter and discuss the happenings of the day. However this night was not one of those nights. Those papers were letters and petitions from smallfolk to the most respected men from all over Mercia demanding for Saehild to be removed form the royal household, and the land itself.

"The ealdormen are banding together it seems" Aldhelm noted as he read a letter in the candle light.

Aethelflaed adjusted herself to sit up straight, feeling unsettled, "Edward has not yet signed the decree, and I have not yet heard back from him." a disappointed silence laid in the air, "I don't understand, she is a daughter of a lord, and therefore a lady. It is that simple!"

"Lady, this is my situation to handle, I will—",

"No, Aldhelm." the lady interrupted, "In all other ways, Saehild is a daughter to me. Together, we will resolve this."

The lord lightly nodded his head continuing to sift through the letters. Since bringing the child back home with him, Aldhelm knew this would be an issue he could have to fight. Mind and soul he was ready to fight it alone, Saehild was his only child. For many years he was not able to protect her as a father should, for himself and for her, Aldhelm needed to stand his ground. Yet Aethelflaed was with him every step of the fight. She would be quick to shut anyone down during the witan that dare speak badly about the child, "do you wish to be removed from the hall, lord?", a phares she was too familiar with. In order to officially recognize Saehild as a Mercian royal lady, the decree needed to be signed by the ruler of Wessex as well. Before leaving Winchester Athelflaed had informed her brother of this plan, but yet he had not said a word, and there were no whispers around court. Even Lady Aelswith had written to the boy king, but he seemed to not care about Mercian politics unless he benefited. 

** *

Unbeknownst to them, a sleepless little one was slowly creeping outside the door. The princess and Saehild were put to bed more then hour ago, yet Saehild could not find sleep. When she snuck into Aelfwynn's room, her sister was fast asleep and would not wake. Therefore, she tried for the next best thing, her father. Maybe he would be able to sit with her until she slept. First Saehild went to his chamber, only to find it empty. Wondering around the empty hall, she began to hear some voices. Following the sound, it lead her to the Queen's study. However the little lady hesitated to go in. They were always told not to enter the room unless told by either Aldehlm or Aethelflaed invited them in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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