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Riding over night, the next morning, the group headed to Aegelesburg, arrived to the town. Unbeknownst to them, they had arrived on the day of Lord Aethelred's funeral. All of the town's people lined the square, making a pathway for the funeral padre to pass through. One would think that the town would be quite, being in morning of their leader, be instead shouts of disgust for Lord Aethelred were heard loudly throughout. All were valid, however. Lord Aethelred wasn't the leader that Mercia needed, he used the power of the throne only for himself. Not to mention, as much as a Mercian hated Wessex, it was no lie that the country was their strongest ally, yet he disregarded that alliance. When Uhtred and the others, arrived luckily Father Pryilg was there to conseil the arrival. He helped them enter through a hidden gate, not many knew about. 

With a quick greeting, Uhtred asked the priest for his help. Storria and Aethelstan needed to be protected, while he talked to Edward. When Pryilg was told that Aethelstan was in fact the King's bastard he became even more confused then he already was. But, like always, he came to Uhtred's aid helping hide the children till all was safe. 


Unfortunately, not all was as well in Wyre Forest. Aelfwynn had not batted her eyes for some time, worrying Osferth and Eadith. They moved the girls to a open tent closer to where the women kept her things, to watch over. Given furs, they tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Saehild sat by Aelfwynn's side, with her knees to her chest, watching closely that her chest rose and fell. To keep her warm, the half-Dane was given a cloak that wrapped around her, It severed more purpose, as the hood hid Saehild glum face. She could see the other two growing more and more worried, only making her more scared. On the other side of Aelfwynn, Osferth held onto his niece's lifeless hand, also watching over.

 As Eadith entered the tent, he placed her hand down and approached with his arms crossed, "What is it?"

"I'm not going to tell you." she looked down to the bowl then lifted her doe eyes.

"Is it wormwood?" Osferth asked more specifically. The lady pressed her lips together, looking to the ground. When she meant the gaze of the monk he had his answer, "It will not work." he told, "I've heard it kills men."

"Poison can sometimes be a cure." Eadith said optimistically, "Mixed with holy water it will cool the fever." helplessly she looked over to Aelfwynn's lifeless body, "Look at her, she is dying. If she dose, we will be blamed."

Osferth turned back also seeing what he feared to say aloud, "There's sickness everywhere, Eadith." he whispered.

"Yes, and who gets accused? Sinners, people like me." not allowing Osferth to make a comment, Eadith lifted her dress and walked over to Aelfwynn, "You have not been shunned as I have."

"I will not take the risk." he followed.

Eadith scoffed, "And I thought you were amongst the bravest of warriors." Sitting down beside the little girl, Eadith put the bowl to her lips taking a sip herself, "There. Now she and I are both doomed."

Lifting her head up, Eadith placed the bowl to Aelfwynn's lips tilting the liquid into her mouth, as she breathed heavily. Saehild watched as she was given the poison confused. Looking to Osferth, who had a distasteful look on his face, she tried to understand what was so wrong. But the monk sighing and existed the tent at the act. The little Mercian did not understand why they were fighting, if the poison could help Aelfwynn recover, then why not give it to her.

"Are you a healer?" Saehild asked innocently.

Breaking out of her thoughts, Eadith raised her eyebrows registering what she had said, "No." she shook her head, "I am not, but I will do whatever it take to make Aelfwynn feel better."

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