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The ride to the fortress by the sea, was the march that many had been imagining. The whole journey words didn't need to be spoken. All knew what was to come. Mentally, the soldiers were preparing themselves for whatever may happen. Victory, defeat, even death. This time around, Saehild did not look to Aethelstan with glee, but with fear in her eyes. She feared that, at any moment, the sting of death may return. When it did, she couldn't tell who it might sink its teeth into. Maybe her, her father, maybe even the King. It could not be said.

Fastly, the Saxon army arrived at Bebbanbrug. They rode in from the south side, near the gate. Saehild looked on in awe, it was much larger then Uhtred had ever described. All turned their heads to stare upon the enemies, riding to position. No matter where in the lands, many hear of the mighty Mercian army. The stories weren't just tall tales, to scare children, those stories were just a sliver of how powerful Mercia was. As the whole army marched through the fields, the small folk fled, knowing what was about to occur. Settling close enough to the gate, King Edward stood at the point with Aldhelm to his left. Behind him, his son was to the right, with young Uhtred standing next to him. Lastly, was Cynlaef directly behind him. Saehild sat just behind her father, less eager then the rest. The men on foot filed behind the commanders, as the sound of a horn could be heard.

The King and Lord Aldhelm looked to Lord Aethelstan nodding for him to enact his command. With courage running through his veins, Aethelstan galloped to the walls, to offer a talk before action was taken. Watching him ride off, Saehild let out a shaky breath. He was going out there alone, and with a shield. Arrows were faster than drawing a sword.

"Come no closer!" a men yelled from the ram parts, "Speak!"

"I bring a message form Edward," he yelled back, "King of the Saxons and king in these lands! Give us Lord Aethelhelm and Lady Aelfwynn and we will not attack. Refuse and we will besiege and sill you all! None will survive!"

The wrongful Lord of Bebbanbrug did not give an answer. Time stood still as they waited for a response. Saehild shifted on her saddle anxious of how long they were taking. Looking back, Aethelstan tried to see if Edward had given the signal to come back, but there was none. When he turned back, the man shot a cross bow arrow close to his horse, starling the animal.

"I will assume that was a warning!"

Turning the frighten horse around, Aethelstan rode back to report back to his father. The arrow shot was the only form of communication that the enemy had offered. Halting in front of his father, the boy seemed disheveled, "They do not wish to comply." he simply said.

This war had always been ongoing, this was just another battle. The only question was who would be the first to move? Still very anxious, Saehild kept shifting on her horse, as the others sat still. She did not like the feeling in the air. It was new, something she'd never felt before. It was omounis, unsettling. Unclear of what the feeling might mean, Saehild became more frustrated. So March for being a seed. As the Lord fell back in line, young Uhtred turned to him catching  attentions.

"Did you see my father?" the monk asked hopelessly.

Without words, Aethelstan looked down to the monk and shook his head. Panicked, young Uhtred sighed with a shaky breath. Aethelstan looked up to Aldhelm and Saehild, now having aired the concerning message. At the news, the Lady clenched her jaw, while Adlhelm squinted his eyes from the sun looking to the fortress. If Uhtred were already discovered, then that meant that Aelfwynn was in danger. But at the same time, if Lord Uhtred were dead they surely would already know. Saehild knew how proudful men could be. Kill, and or capture, the Dane-Slayer surly those would want to make a show of it. Without doubt, Lord Wihtgar would want to show the King of Wessex that he had killed his most fierce and trusted warrior.

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