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With the river bank guarded, Uhtred order Osferth, Saehild, and some scouts, to search the hillside for Brida. At first it was just meant to be Osferth and the guard, but Aldhelm suggested that Saehild go as well. Forgoing everything that had happen, Saehild's skills had proved well on her first campaign, and he thought she could provide some help. Hesitantly, Osferth agreed for Saehild to go, she had no sword and no armor, making him want her to stay with the rest. Not thinking that something like this would happen, Saehild did not bring, any weapons, her leather chest guard, nor any of her battle clothes. Of course she had her Moon-heart but that was it. When Osferth still protested she simply said, "I have you to protect me.", winning him over.

They searched till the sun rose, but she was not there. It did not help that the winter snow had began, making the search even harder. Yet, they still looked up and down the hillside and there was no sign. Saehild and the others looked for any clues to where she may have been heading, but found nothing. It was almost like she was never even there. Bested, Saehild and Osferth agreed that it was time to head back, with the unsettling news. Brida was not there anymore, making her more dangerous then ever. When they rode back into the court yard, Uhtred and Aethelstan were already waiting for them.

"Nothing to the east, nothing upriver, nothing downriver." Osferth reported, "I don't think she here lord."

Saehild could see the fear and disappointment on Uhtred's face. If Brida was not there, where could she be? Or if she was and just hiding, when would she attack? Defeated, Uhtred walked away, trying to think of a new plan. They must act before she could do anymore harm. Osferth had already dismounted, and was redirecting the men back to the river side with the others, leaving Saehild alone on her horse. Luckily, Aethelstan was still there, and quickly moved to help the lady off. With a kind smile, Saehild took his hand and threw her leg over jumping off. Thankfully. she opted to wear trousers under her dress, so she could ride normally and not side saddle.

"If you would like to rest now—" he began but was cut off.

"No, no it is alright." Saehild dusted off her dress, "If Brida attacks I want to be standing on my feet, rather then laying in a bed." she tried to make light of the situation. It worked with Aethelsatan scoffing and smiling at her.

Together they walked to the river side, with Aethelstan retuning to Uhtred's side on the dock, and Saehild off to find her father to report back. When she did find him, Aldhlem was in conversation with other scout that they had brought with them from home. He was not apart of her party that just returned, confusing the girl. When the scout left,  Aldhelm finally noticed Saehild had returned.

"Come with me." he walked pasted Saehild before she could even say hi, "Where is Uhtred?"

"At--at the dock." Saehild tried to keep up with her father, hastily walking to the dock.


Aldhelm pushed through the men, with Saehild at his side, hastily walking onto the dock, "Uhtred!" he gained the lord's attention, "I have grave news from across the country." he sighed.

"Stiorra? She has attacked Eoferwic?" Uhtred already seemed to know.

Aldhelm nodded, "How did you know?"

"She's coming for my bloodline." the lord now realized Brida plan, "Stand down the men. We will be leaving."

Without looking back, Uhtred stormed off the dock. Aldhelm looked to Finan, both of them now fully aware, before walking off right behind Uhtred. They must move quickly, or else instead of a mere mutilation, a head maybe sent to them next. Saehild did not follow her father but stay with Finan and Aethelstan, overwhelmed by the news. She was somewhat disturbed, Brida coming for Uhtred's bloodline, would mean the end of Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Standing in place for a moment, Saehild looked to Aethelstan with a concerned face. With Eoferwic taken, it meant that Stiorra and Sigtryggr's lives were in danger. Mercia had an alliance with King Sigtryggr, and Stiorra was like a sister to Saehild, all must go to there aid if the both of them were to have a surviving chance.

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