Arknights World - Reason to Leave

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[Warning! This will contain my rant towards the game. But it doesn't mean that I actually hate the game. Rather, I'm frustrated with it. You have been warned.]

It's a normal day in Kev's Chaldea... actually, no. It's not normal today. Kev is groaning over feeling weird on his back, as in he's not feeling his usual bed on his back. He slowly opens his eyes and rather than seeing the white ceiling that he know and love, he instead see a dark brown ceiling instead.

"Huh... Did the Stalkers get passed through and kidnapped me? Wouldn't be surpri-" However, as he gets more awake, he then feel something around his body that is different. It felt rubbery and heavy around him, and he looked at his hand and is shocked to realize what is happening right now.

"... I'm in Terra..." He muttered, and then facepalms over the mask that is part of the Doctor's outfit. "Seriously, of all the worlds that the RTS have to screw me over, it always landed on the blacklisted ones!"

'Ma-chan!' 'Kev!' Thankfully for him, his two beloved Servants are with him thanks to the Command Seal, making sure that he won't be left stranded alone in any other world.

"Bageko! Okki! Thank goodness that you're here too! I almost wanted to go rampage around here!" He shouted to the ceiling, referring to the now invisible Servants.

"Well, we really can't leave you anyway." Osakabehime said.

"And that we're bonded together, so whenever you left Chaldea, we'll always be with you." Barghest added. Kev then sighs in relief, knowing his two beloved Servants are with him.

"Alright, let's think of a plan for a bit." Kev then said, while pulling out a dimmed out ring from his pocket. "The RTS is recharging, so I have to wait until I can use it to go back to Chaldea."

"But you can't just stay here until then, huh..." Osakabehime then added, which Kev nods.

"Yeah. The Ops might try to come here to check if I ever return somehow, so I have to find a hiding spot so I won't be spotted by the Ops." Kev then chimed his idea.

"I don't understand." Barghest then cuts in, "Why would you try to avoid these... Ops? Are you hated here?" She then asked.

"Nah, Bageko. Ma-chan is just fed up with them and this world altogether." Osakabehime answered for him.

"Yeah. Gacha world these days always rely on edgy, dark, and mature world setting and tone that I can't even stand it anymore. I'm just glad that Blue Archive exist." Kev then said, expressing his dislike with the world. "Not to mention that this world in particular is just a chore to get through. Seriously?! Why the hell do they not have sweeps in other modes?!" He then slams the bed, furthering his dislike.

"I-I see..." Barghest then said, not going to comment any further.

"Anyway, as I said, I need to find a hiding spot around this bigass base. Maybe one of its many storage rooms can work." Kev then said. "Okki, try to scout for the surroundings."

From underneath his glove on his left hand, his Command Seal glows, before an origami bat appeared from it. The origami then flies out of the room through the vent, doing what it was tasked.

"On it!" Osakabehime said. With that said, Kev can only wait until his best friend gives him the news. During that time, he removed his helmet, and took a deep breath after being stuck wearing the mask for a while now.

"I always hated that mask over any other cosplay mask." He said. However, after he said that, the door suddenly opens, as someone is entering the room, alerting Kev.

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