Past and Present (Morgans)

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Servants that are the same people but in different times aren't a new thing in Chaldea. Gilgamesh being the prime example of it, having three different versions of himself, with each came from different points of his life, all living together at the same time.

Thus, this will be a similar case. In the future timeline, Kev is overly anticipating the timeline's own anniversary, hoping that this year's celebratory Heroic Spirit will be someone new.

"After last night, I think I can handle this." He said, with Mash holding his shoulder to support him.

"After all, whoever that get summoned here, we'll welcome them together, Senpai." Mash replied. "Especially if the former Director could come to us!"

"And that is something that my heart couldn't handle..." Kev sweatdropped.

"Last year was the Moon Princess, yet you ended up ignored her." Da Vinci chimed in.

"Well sorry if I don't find her interesting at that time..." Kev grumbled. Without wasting anymore time, using the tickets that he bought from Da Vinci's shop, Kev performed the summon and something interesting happened.

The summoning rings have appeared, and after the pillar of light, a Caster that looks completely similar to a certain Arts support appeared.

The summoning rings have appeared, and after the pillar of light, a Caster that looks completely similar to a certain Arts support appeared

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"Greetings, summoner. I'm Aesc the Rain Witch. I may haven't explored much of things outside of the castle, but I'll be in your care."

Everyone is astounded by the Servant that was summoned. Mash and Kev especially, with the former have been with the new Caster back in the past. Kev however, has another reason why...
"Hold on, Aesc, as in..."

Suddenly, memories of the Sixth Lostbelt flashed within his mind, causing him to slowly pointing at her in anger.

"You...!" He muttered, confusing Aesc but alarming Mash of the situation.

"Senpai, wait!" Mash tried to diffuse the situation, "Maybe she doesn't know about her future, so let's just treat her like someone different instead!"

Eventually, Kev calmed down, and Aesc is still confused as ever. Even so, the Master and his kouhai gave her a proper welcome.

After her welcoming, the two showed Aesc around Chaldea, which the latter is awed of its advanced technology and magecraft. However, when they reached the cafeteria, Baobhan Sith spotted the three entering the room.

"Oh lookie here, it's-" Baobhan stopped when she sees Aesc, surprising her due to the Caster having a same wavelength as her mother's. "Mother?!"

Kev facepalmed when he heard that, yet Aesc is once again confused by this.

"Let's just move on..." He suggested and continue their way, much to the ruby archer's dismay.

"Don't ignore me, you lousy excuse of a (self-proclaimed) father!"

As the trio continued their way, Aesc stopped by meeting Setanta and Caster Cu, as they reminded her of Grimr the Sage, much to the younger Cu's confusion. They then continue showing Aesc around Chaldea, until...

"Dear Husband?"

The inevitable happened: The encounter with Aesc's future self: Morgan.

"Ah henshinsticks." He groaned, knowing that his worst fear has come true. For Aesc however, she sees something in Morgan's eyes, and made her click something in her head.

"Ah..." Morgan also have the same feeling, which she walk towards Aesc to confirm about something...

Suddenly, Morgan holds Aesc's hands together, confusing Aesc yet again, with the former looked at her with a determined gaze.

"Let us work together to gain our Husband's attention, my past self."
Everyone, including Aesc herself, is of course, flabbergasted.


~~ >> ~~

It's been days now, and Aesc is now used to how Chaldea works. In her downtime, she often visits the library where she chats with Murasaki on literatures.

Today however, as she walked her way to the library, she was stopped by seeing Morgan preparing yet another plan to gain her (self-proclaimed) husband's attention.

'Is that really how my future self looked like?' She wondered. Curious, she approached her future self and lightly patted her on the shoulder.

"Oh?" Morgan then turned around  "Ah, my younger self. What brings you here?" She then asked.

"I am intrigued of something, my future self." Aesc then replied, "What is with you and getting our Master's attention? From what I heard from him, he does not want to be married with you in any way."

Morgan then facepalmed, knowing that Aesc even asked her husband about it.

"He bested me back in the Lostbelt, which is why I should offer myself as his wife. Yet he is married with my knight instead." She sighed, "I have tried many things to earn his interest, yet it only did little to my cause."

Aesc pondered for a moment for an advice, before she said so.

"Why won't you try getting to know him better?"

"I did, but it only worked for a brief moment." Morgan sighed yet again. "Even with his reason, he still closed his heart towards me, meaning that I only know little of his true self...

In the end, I will never understand him, yet I want him to accept me as his wife."

Seeing her future self being upset over the fact, Aesc then gestured her future self for her hand, which Morgan then shows her open palm. With a glow from her fist, a charm appeared as she unfolds her hand, a blue raindrop charm.

"This is..." Morgan wondered,

"I may do not share the same view as you are when it comes to our Master, but the least I can do is to wish you good luck." Aesc explained. "Besides, you looked awful with that veil. It's no wonder why Master avoided you."

Morgan looked at the gifted charm, and chuckled at Aesc's remark on her appearance.

"Very well then." She smiled. "I shall reconsider my appearance. In the meantime, welcome to Chaldea, my younger self."

With that, the two different Witches parted ways, with Aesc going to continue her original plan of going to the library. As for Morgan...

"Maybe I should prepare my Queensuit for the upcoming summer."

(Literally a followup to the previous chapter! And in my opinion, her first ascension is the best!

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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