Overly Flirty Admin

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Things are pretty peaceful here in Kev's Chaldea. Despite the currently running events in both timelines, they're both manageable for the Master to handle. Although, there's one thing that bothers him recently, and that involves a certain recent addition from the Future Timeline, who hailed from the Moon...

"Poke. Poke."

A brown haired Servant is playfully poking Kev's cheeks as he's busy reading a manga.

A brown haired Servant is playfully poking Kev's cheeks as he's busy reading a manga

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"Hakuno, please..." He grumbled.

"No." The Servant simply said, and continued poking his cheek. Kev had enough of this and pushed her finger away from his cheek.

"Seriously, stop it. It's annoying."

"But it's fun." Hakuno replied. "Besides, we should do something together. Sitting around and doing nothing is boring anyway."

"Don't you have Neros and Tamamos here that would kill your boredom?" Kev then replied.

"Where's the fun of that?" Hakuno shrugs. "You're far more interesting than I thought. Summoning and piloting a giant robot to defeat Tenochtitlan, having hundreds of Servants under your command, not to mention our last fight where you combined your Servants' Noble Phantasm into a single punch. You're literally far too interesting to me not to ignore."

All of the things that Hakuno mentioned came from the time where Kev and his Servants are dealing with the third Ordeal Call, that unexpectedly happened when BB moved Dubai to the far distant future Moon. And as expected, they cleared the Singularity, which culminated into the final battle between the Masters, in which Kev finished both male and female Hakuno off with a quadruple combination of his Servants' Noble Phantasm and his own.

Back to the present, Hakuno were summoned immediately after the Singularity resolved, now as Kev's Servant, which he initially shrugged her off as another member of the giant crew of Servants, but her persistence and flirty nature made him unable to shrug her off.

"But that's just how I usually do around here."

"True. It's why you're so interesting." Hakuno said. "Besides, you married to a Servant is something of a feat that I never thought it's possible."

"I love Barghest, alright?" Kev exasperated. "Anyway, I'll just go and grab some snacks." He then stood up, preparing to leave.

"Do grab me some sweets, okay?" Hakuno then asked.

"Ain't gonna happen." He then left the room, leaving Hakuno alone. The former Master sighs over her current Master's 'hard-to-be-flirted' exterior, but she does however have a trick on her sleeve.

"I won't let you go, oh kouhai of mine~" Hakuno smiled as she summons a tablet that shows a list of things that only she can read...

~~ >> ~~

After a short snack break, Kev returned back to his room, hoping that Hakuno already left. However, when he entered his room, he instead greeted with a surprising sight.

It's Hakuno, but in a very familiar outfit resembling that of the Trailblazer from the world of Star Rail. It even comes with her signature baseball bat.

"What the-" Kev reacted, with Hakuno then winks at him.

"How do I look?" Hakuno then asked, even as far as twirling her baseball bat.

"How do you know that?!" Kev then asked. "Like, you've been here for a week and you somehow knew about the Trailblazer."

"I may or may not have peeked your phone...~" Hakuno slyly said.

"Seriously?" Kev furrowed his eyebrows.

"What, you don't like it?" Hakuno asked. "If so, I can just be your Maid instead~" Then, using her tablet, her outfit changed to that of a certain Maid, surprising the Master even more.

"... Just how much did you know..."

"Enough to learn that you're someone called a Dimension Hopper?" Hakuno admitted. Kev can only facepalm over the revelation.

"That's seriously a breach of privacy..." He sweatdropped, making Hakuno giggle.

"Buuut, it's interesting to learn more about you~" She then said. Choosing to ignore his Servant, Kev went to his desk to use his PC. But as he sits on the chair, he felt his neck being wrapped around Hakuno's arms.

"What the?" Kev reacted over the sudden hug.

"Hehe~" Hakuno smiled, as she move her head near his.

"Seriously, what's your deal?!" Kev retorted. "You've been like this for the entire day now!"

"Are you really that dense, my dear Kouhai?" Hakuno whispered.

"The heck does that mean?" Kev replied, making Hakuno giggle.

"You're so silly. I like you~" Hakuno's confession made Kev do a doubletake on her.

"Haha... very funny..." He said, but Hakuno went a step further and rubs her cheek over his, making Kev uncomfortable by her advance.

"Funny, indeed. But are you aware of something about me, my dear Kouhai?~" She said, which Kev slowly shakes his head, making Hakuno smirk. She then use her powers to summon a hologram version of Gilgamesh, pulling Kev out of his chair and pinned him onto his bed.

"Gaah!" Kev yelled over the sudden force, as he then see Hakuno sitting on top of his belly, as she slowly lowers her head to face his. She smirks over the panicking Kev, as this is her pivotal moment on her quest of flirting her new Master.

"You're not the only one who has the Harem Protagonist EX skill~"

~~ >> ~~

After an intense one-sided cuddling session, Hakuno is seen leaving Kev's room happily, leaving the now unconscious Master behind. As she walks away, she spotted Morgan who were just nearby. The Queen noticed Hakuno's happy face, and wonders why. However, Hakuno simply smirked at the Queen, which raises suspicion over what had happened earlier.

Back to Hakuno, she continues walking happily, while secretly plotting things through her tablet. With all of the info of other worlds in her hands, she can now easily follow Kev wherever he go.

"It's only a matter of time until he falls for me~" She said to herself. "Fufu~ I can't wait for him to join my harem~"

(No Segs are involved in this chapter.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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