Servant Overview - Morgan Le Fay

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And now, live within Kev's room, it's the first iteration of Servant Overview! In there, the room is set up to be a studio where everyone is preparing to record the first Overview of the series!

"The Cameras are ready, my husband!" Barghest yelled after confirming the camera placements.

"BGM's also ready, Ma-chan!" Osakabehime also said. And now, Kev reads the script of this upcoming endeavor of his: Doing a quick Servant Overview of the upcoming Servants.

"Oh, did we lock the door?" He then said after realizing something, which Artoria turned around and gives him a thumbs up. "Yosh! Time to do something that I've been meaning to do after scrolling through YouTube for the longest time now... Hit it, Okki!"

~~ [Servant Overview! Morgan Le Fay!] ~~

Morgan's an AOE Buster Berserker that thrives on bullying ningens, while also doing her best as a self-proclaimed wife.

Her first skill is a Charisma [Party-wide Attack Up] that also gives self NP charge and a Party-wide Defense down on enemies. Her second skill is just Castoria's: Targetable NP charge and party-wide NP gain up. Her third skill is where things get spicy for her: A guts with crit-star gather and crit damage up while also a three turn party-wide attack down and crit chance down onto her enemies. Did I mention that it's also a star bomb [Grants Crit Stars]?

Her NP starts off with giving her bonus damage buff on Faes and Knights of the Round Table, then dealing damage and gives them a five-turn 1k curse. But that's not the best part. She also grants Party-wide NP Level Overcharge by one, and her own overcharge deals bonus damage to Human enemies, which are basically Servants and any other human looking enemies.

Morgan is basically the calm before the storm, and that storm is Light Koyan. Two of her skills caters to launching her NP as soon as possible, with her two Arts cards helping the cause. Her third skill also helped by making her buster cards hit like a truck and her Arts cards to charge NP way faster with the crit buffs while her NP is down. Once the Vitch that is Light Koyan comes out right after Melusine, prepare yourself, as the Era of Buster Farming will reign, with Morgan as the spearhead.

Oh? Did I mention that she claims you as her husband/wife?

Type: AOE Buster Berserker
Damage?: Big on Human Traits
Loopable?: Yes w/Plugsuit at minimum
Waifuable?: Definitely (Not really for me because I already have a wife!)

~~ Overview Ended. Thanks for Reading! ~~

"And cut!" Osakabehime then said, prompting Barghest to end the recording. "That was great, Ma-chan! You didn't even stutter at all!"

"Well, it's in a written form, so I won't stutter." Kev replied as he goes to the camera. "Then again, I'm wouldn't be too sure about my overview of her compared to just reading her wiki page or watching other YouTuber's reviews."

"I think that it's great, dear husband." Barghest pats Kev on his shoulder. "You only wanted to make short overviews of the Servants that come to the Current Timeline, so I consider that different from how everyone else is doing."

"Thanks, my love." Kev then smiled at Barghest, once again being easily swooned by her, before going back to his jolly self. "Maybe next time I'll do Meluko next. Oh! And a skit at the start of the overview! I've been thinking about using-"

"Accel Synchroing Melusine." Osakabehime finished with a smug of stealing Kev's thunder.

"Aww..." Kev bemoaned of it. Suddenly, the locked door is opened roughly by an explosion, with the appearance of Morgan herself with it.

"Well well well. So dear husband wrote a nice review about me~" She said, as Kev and Barghest went on defensive on her. Before the two can react, Morgan levitates Kev with her magecraft, before landing him onto her shoulder, much to everyone's surprise. "In that case, allow me to reward you, my husband. A long, comfy session of us embracing together would be suffice."

Morgan then leaves the room with Kev on her shoulder, as he struggles to get out of her grip by flailing around.

"Bageko! Okki! Heeeeeelp!" He cried for their help, which Barghest quickly runs out and starts chasing the two.

"Release dear husband this instant!" She yelled as she run. Osakabehime meanwhile, looked at the shrugging Artoria before going to the camera for the video.

"Well, time to edit this and send it to Da Vinci-san." She then said as she begin working on it, with Artoria watching her work as well...

(And that's the end of my first Servant Overview! This isn't something that you should take it face value, as it's just my own take of the Servant Reviews that are plenty around YouTube. If you want more details and guides about them, go ahead and check them out! Or just go to sites like Gamepress and FGO Fandom Wiki that also have info about the Servant of your choosing.

Also, I won't be doing it for all upcoming Servants. Just for the ones I personally liked throughout the two years of JP Headstart.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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