1. Preston

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"PJ?" A voice whispered as a hand softly shook me. I grumbled and swatted them away. "Come on, pup, you're going to have neck pains in the morning." Mama's voice whispered and I grumbled again and he chuckled, "come now, love."

"No," I whined as I opened my eyes to look at him with disdain and he raised a brow and I pouted, "why are you waking me up?"

"Because you gotta get in bed," he replied and I frowned and he gave me a soft smile, "you're sleeping on your desk, which I don't think is at all comfortable." I blinked and sat up straighter and winced at the soreness on my neck, "come on, get in bed." I stood up and groggily made my way to my bed before face planting on the soft mattress and sighed. I heard mama chuckle again as he pulled the covers over me before leaning down and pressed a kiss to my head. "Sweet dreams baby."

"Night mama."

The sound of my alarm a few hours later jolted me out of my sleep and I groaned reaching over and shutting the annoying thing off before sighing and burying myself under my covers and closing my eyes.

5 more mi-

>Preston Jett SaintClaire!< Mama's voice through the link startled me awake and I jumped out of bed before making a dash to my bathroom ignoring the chills that ran in my bare feet. >you better be up and ready or so help me<

Mama was scary when he was pissed so I rather not get on his bad side and quickly did my morning routine before reentering my room to get dressy.

I grabbed my phone from its charging port and saw it was already 8 and school doesn't start for another 20 minutes so I quickly I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with all of the books-notebooks, along with the book we were currently reading in class, The Outsiders. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, grabbed my keys, wallet and phone before leaving my room and bounded down the hall where I could hear my siblings and parents talking.

"Morning my beautiful family," I grinned making them look up and they shook their heads with smiles as they greeted eme back.

"Morning mama, papa," I grinned giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, pup," Papa replied as he patted to the chair beside him and I grinned sitting beside him.

"You need to start going to bed early so you don't have trouble getting out of bed in the morning," mama chastised and I gave him a sheepish smile as I rubbed the back of my neck and he sighed shaking his head. "You and your siblings are going to give me more gray hair then I already have."

"But you're still as beautiful as always, Mama," Julianna said giving him a beaming smile that had mama's features softening.

"Thank you sweetie," he smiled, "now eat up or you'll be late."


"PJ! Jules!" I'm instantly tackled by my two best friends as Julianna laughs beside me and I groan as their weight nearly makes me fall to the tiled flooring. I could feel eyes on us but didn't really mind it.

"Get off, Benson," I grumbled as I pushed him and he whined about why I don't want his love, "it's too early to deal with your annoying ass."

"Are you still coming over to the house to work on our project?" Luna asked as we walked down the hall towards our first class.

"Is it even okay for us to cross onto your territory?" Julianna asked and the twins smiled and nodded.

"We asked our brother if it was okay for you guys to come over and he said yeah." Benson replied and I nodded.

Luna and Benson Storm are from the MoonLit Oasis pack which was north of the SavageKing Pack that is led by my cousins, Garrett and Julian, uncle Tyson's son and Aunt Alaska's son. SavageKing Pack is the biggest pack in all of Canada as it's a combination of two separate packs. From what Benson and Luna have told me when we met three years ago, they had moved from Arizona due to lack of enough land.

We had clicked instantly as I was the one who had showed them around the school when they started attending LakeView.

"So it looks like we'll be having the same classes," I had told them back in our sophomore year. "So I'll be your tour guide."

"We really appreciate your help, Preston," Luna had said with a beaming smile that her twin mirrored.

"It's no problem," I replied with a smile, "now come along, we don't want to be late for Mr. Chandlers biology class."

And now three years later, the four of us along with my cousin, Zaddie—she's uncle Zabdiel's daughter—were inseparable.

"You better not be making plans without me," Zaddie's voice came down the hall and we grinned.

"We would never!" Benson exclaimed earning us looks from the lingering students but we paid them no mind. They should know by now how we were.

"We got the clear to go to their pack to work on our project," I said and the petite girl blinked before looking over at the Storm Twins who were having a heated discussion about god knows what.

"Oh?" She asked and I nodded as we made it way down the hall towards our first class of the day. All five of us have been sharing the same classes for the past three years. Even though Julianna was a 18 months older than me, she didn't start school until I was 5 and she was 6 due to her being born after September 30. Hence why we began school at the same time and will be graduating together in a few months.

"Yes, so we'll be going to their home after school." I stated and she nodded.

Before I knew it, the last bell of the day rang and we all apices our things before exiting the classroom and making or way to our lockers to collect our things for our project. Our project was on the settlement of Quebec and how it's population increases through the years.

"Ready?" Benson asked as we stood by our respective cars and we nodded. The twins climbed into Lina's car while Zaddie, Julianna and I climbed into mine before we drove out of the parking lot and down the road towards MoonLit Oasis.

But the closer we got, the more my wolf began to pace in my head which was new as he's never acted this way.

>What's wrong?< I asked him and he only whined as he continued to pace.

Little did I know that my life would flipped upside down the moment we parked our car in MoonLit Oasis territory.

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