9. Preston

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I raised a brow when I noticed a familiar corvette parked beside Papa's car as I drove into my driveway. What was he doing here? I felt my heart skip a beat as I climbed out of my car and locked the doors once I had grabbed my backpack from the backseat. Was he here to see me? Just the thought of him coming all this way to see me had a grin coming onto my face that fell when I smelt an unfamiliar scent lingering with his as I got closer to the front door.

I bit my lip as Gunnar paced in my head. But as I went to open the door, I snapped my head toward the left when I heard a snap and narrowed my eyes as I could sense something or someone watching.

>Keep your senses on high alert< Gunnar said and I nodded as I dropped my backpack on the ground before moving away from the front door of my house. >There's someone here, PJ<

>I know< I replied letting him take partial control so I could use his eyes—as they were sharper then my human ones—but all I could see was darkness but I could smell a scent that didn't belong to the pack or to Ryker's pack. "I know you're out there!" I shouted as another twig snapped this one a littler further away in the woods.

"PJ?" I jumped at the sound Josh's voice and turned to see him raising a brow at me with his arms crossed, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing," I replied shaking my head, "I thought I heard something in the woods."

I walked back over to him and together we walked into our parents house where we could hear them and Ryker talking.

"Have you thought about when you'll ask Elijah to marry you?" I asked him and Josh hummed making me raise a brow.

"With the holidays coming up, I figured we'd go to Paris since he's always wanted to go there, and I'll ask him then." He said making me grin.

"That's so cheesy," I giggled, "but Elijah will absolutely love it and definitely say yes."

We walked into the living room where I knew my parents and mate were but that scent I had smelt earlier was stronger inside making Gunnar pace in ny head.

"Hi, honey," Mama greeted with a smile when he spotted both me and Josh at the threshold, "hi love."

There sitting beside Papa was my mate and right beside him was as young male with short hair who cling to him like a second skin. I purses my lips and ignored Ryker's smile as I turned to my parents and smiled.

"Hi mama, hi papa," I greeted before nodding at Ryker, "alpha." I saw a frown take over his features but didn't linger on it, "I'm going to go change and head over to the pack house."

"Alright," Papa said with a nod, "Tell Alaska to come over when you see her." I nodded and turned on my heels and left the living room ignoring the lingering gaze of Ryker on my retreating back. How can he do that? Why would he let someone cling to him like that when he had a mate? Does he not want to be mated to me? Why would he bring someone to my parents house like that? And my parents? Why aren't they angry at him? Why were they so friendly with him while that male cling to him like that?

>Don't stress to much, it could mean nothing, PJ< Gunnar said and I sighed before striping out of my jeans and hoody before chasing into a pair of gray sweatpants, and black t-shirt before putting on my sneakers.

>Still< I replied >he didn't push him away when  I walked into the living room< Gunnar said nothing to that as he knew I was right. If Ryker and that young man were nothing, he should've pushed him away when we walked in. I sighed and walked out of my room and down the hall to the front door.

"Did he say what it was?" I heard Papa ask and frowned.

"No," Josh answered, "all he said that he just felt an uneasy feeling." I rolled my eyes realizing he was telling them about my little incident before entering the house with him.

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