15. Preston

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I bit my lip as k watched through the little opening to the crowding auditorium and scanned the bleachers and saw Ryder sitting with my family. I smiled only for it to fall when I didn't spot my parents.

"What's wrong?" Julianna asked just as we were being called to gym to take our seats.

"Mama and Papa aren't here,"I whispered to her and she frowned and discreetly looked at the bleachers and like me, she didn't see our parents, before looking back to the principal as he walked to the microphone.

"Good afternoon honored guests, ladies and gentlemen," he greeted as he looked up, "A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion - the culmination of years of hard work; the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes achieved. So, it is only fitting that tonight we commemorate the road that we have all traveled together these last few years."

>Relax pups< I hear papa's voice in my head making me and Julianna tense meaning he was also mind-linking her, we discreetly looked over our shoulders and up at the bleachers where we spotted Mama and Papa now sitting with the rest of the family and Ryker. Papa gave us a little wave and we grinned before we turned around and relaxed as we turned back to hear the principal talk.

"It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken us to remarkable heights. We have encountered some trials and tribulations along the way...soldiered on and come out the stronger for them. We have experienced exceptional moments, magical moments and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead.

Henry Ford wisely said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress and working together is success." As we look back over the last few years, certainly there was a beginning, and thankfully there was also progress and yes - undeniably we have been successful!"

It's crazy to think that today, I and Julianna along with the rest of our class were officially done with school. It's been a long journey to get there but looking back, I couldn't help but think back to everything that's happened these past four years. Meeting and befriending Benson and Luna had been one of the greatest moments of my life and I'm so blessed that I get to not only call them friends, but family as well.

And then finding out that Ryker Storm was my mate hadn't been on my list of things to happen in high school, but I was still very happy to have him as my mate. I've always admired him since I saw him the first time a few years ago when I and gone to MoonLit Oasis to hang out with the twins.

I looked at my sister who smiled and linked her hand with mine as we listened to the principal.

"We have forged a bond that goes beyond mere colleagues; you have become a tight-knit team, a supportive community, and even friends. Your shared experiences have shaped you individually and collectively, teaching you valuable lessons and propelling you forward.

Through challenges and obstacles, you have discovered our strength and resilience. You have learned the importance of collaboration, communication, and trust. Each one of you has played a vital role in your collective success, contributing your unique skills and perspectives to achieve common goals.

"May you always lead by example and work hard and play straight. May your successes be many and your tribulations be few and far between.

We wish you everything that you so richly deserve in the years ahead - it has been an honor and a privilege watching your progress and success!" The principal said ending his speech, "and now please help me welcome your class's valedictorian, Preston SaintClaire!"

Julianna gave my hand a light squeeze and smiled as I stood up before walking up the stage and shook the principal's hand.

"Good evening everyone. First of all, I would like to say that I am very honored to have been given the opportunity to present this speech." I looked up and smiled as my eyes scanned the crowd."Wow, we're finally graduating!"  My classmates laughed at that and I mean it was true. We were finally done with high school.

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